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Index of acronyms

ADC -- Analogue to Digital Converter
AIDA -- Alis Internal Data Administration
ALIS -- Auroral Large Imaging System , [*] , [*] , [*]
ANS -- Abisko Scientific Station
ASC -- All-Sky Camera
ASI -- all-sky optical imager
BSC -- Bright Star Catalogue
CC -- control centre
CCD -- Charge Coupled Device
CCH -- CCD camera head , [*]
CCU -- Camera Control Unit , [*]
CCU -- CPS Control Unit
CPC -- CPS Control unit
CPS -- Camera Positioning System , [*] , [*]
CT -- Computer Tomography
CTE -- Charge Transfer Efficiency
DCS -- Double Correlated Sampling
DDS -- Digital Data Storage
DIS -- Doppler Imaging System
DQE -- detective quantum efficiency
EISCAT -- European Incoherent SCATter radar
EPLD -- Erasable, Programmable Logic Device
EPROM -- Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
ERP -- Effective Radiated Power
ESD -- electrostatic discharge
FITS -- Flexible Image Transfer System
FoV --  field-of-view
FPN -- Fixed Pattern Noise
FWC -- Filter Wheel Control unit , [*]
GIP -- General Instrument Platform
GLIP -- Ground-based Low-light Imaging Platform , [*]
GPS -- Global Positioning System
HAARP -- High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program facility
HALIS -- Housing for ALIS
HF -- high-frequency
HU -- Housekeeping Unit
IBC -- International Brightness Coefficients
ICC -- Imager Control Computer
ICCD -- Intensified CCD
IGY -- International Geophysical Year
IPC -- Image Processing Computer
IRF -- Swedish Institute of Space Physics , [*] , [*] , [*]
IT -- Information Technology
LAN -- Local Area Network , [*]
MART -- Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Technique
MCP -- micro-channel plate
MHD -- Magnetohydrodynamical
NBS -- National Bureau of Standards
NIPR -- National Institute for Polar Research
NIPU -- Near-sensor Interface and Processing Unit , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*]
ntp -- network time protocol
OC -- operations centre
OPERA -- OPERations system for ALIS
PAI -- Portable Auroral Imager , [*]
pc -- photo-cathode
PCNN -- Pulse Coupled Neural Networks
PDU -- Power Distribution Unit
PLL -- Phase-Locked Loop
PPP -- Point-to-Point Protocol
PPS -- Pulse Per Second
PRNU -- Photo Response Non-Uniformities
PSC -- Polar Stratospheric Clouds PSC , [*] , [*]
PSC -- polar-stratospheric clouds
PSF -- point spread function
RBNN -- Radial Basis Neural Network
RFI -- Radio Frequency Interference
SC -- Station Computer , [*]
SEE -- Saturation Equivalent Exposure
SIRT -- Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique SIRT
SIT -- Selective Imaging Technique
SVD -- Singular Value Decomposition
Swe-ALIS -- the Swedish part of ALIS
UPS -- Uninterruptable Power Supply
UPS -- Uninterrupted Power Supply
WAN -- Wide Area Network (connected to the Internet)
WLI -- WAN/LAN Interface
WTS -- Westward Travelling Surges

Index of notation

$ (i,j)$ pixel indices.
$ A_{CCD}$ $ [m^{2}]$ area of CCD-detector.
$ A_{app}$ $ [m^{2}]$ effective aperture of the optics.
$ A_{i}$ $ [m^{2}]$ image area.
$ A_{pix}$
$ A_{pix}$ $ [m^2]$ area of a CCD pixel.
$ A_{s}$ $ [m^{2}]$ source of area.
$ A_{s}$ $ [m^{2}]$ source area.
$ B_{ADC}$ $ [\mu{}V/\mathrm{counts}]$ ADC bit weight ( $ 90.6~\mu{}V/\mathrm{counts}$).
$ C_{abs\lambda{c}}$ $ [R/\mathrm{counts}]$ absolute calibration constant.
$ C_{abs\lambda{c,binxy}}$ [R/Å] absolute calibration constant with binned pixels.
$ E$ Spectral radiant incidence (irradiance).
$ G_{CCD}$ $ [\mu{}V/e^{-}_{\gamma}]$ CCD output sensitivity.
$ G_{P}$ $ [1]$ programmable gain setting (5 or 10).
$ G_{S}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}/e^{-}_{\gamma}]$ imager system gain.
$ I$
$ I$ $ [R]$ column emission rate.
$ I_{bg,ij}$ $ [R]$ sky background correction.
$ I_{cal}$ $ [R]$``known'' column emission rate
$ I_{ij}$ $ [R]$ calibrated pixel-value.
$ I_{ls}(\lambda)$ [R/Å] column emission rate of the light standard.
$ L$ spectral radiant sterance.
$ L_{E}$
$ L_{E}$ $ [W\,m^{-2}\,\mathrm{sr}^{-1}]$ spectral radiant sterance in energy units.
$ M_{FO}$ $ [1]$ fibre-optic minification ratio.
$ N$
$ N_e$ [1] effective index of refraction.
$ Q_{EI}$
$ Q_{E_{CCD}}$
$ T$
$ T$
$ T'(\lambda)$ $ [1]$ normalised filter transmittance function.
$ T(\lambda,...)$ $ [1]$ transmittance.
$ T_f(\lambda)$
$ T_{CCD}$
$ T_{FO}$
$ T_{X}$
$ T_{a}$
$ T_{dome}(\lambda)$
$ T_{f}$
$ T_{f}(i,j,\lambda)$ [1] transmittance of the filter.
$ T_{o}$
$ T_{w}$
$ \mathit{CTE}^{N}$
$ \mathit{CTE}$ Charge Transfer Efficiency
$ \mathit{DN}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$ digital output.
$ \mathit{DN}_{Cij}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$ uniformly illuminated central pixels of the CCD.
$ \mathit{DN}_{DC}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$ DC-bias-level.
$ \mathit{DN}_{SEE}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$ maximum charge-well capacity.
$ \mathit{DN}_{ij}$
$ \mathit{DN}_{ij}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$ digital output.
$ \mathit{DN}_{ij}'$
$ \mathit{DN}_{ij}'$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$ corrected pixel value.
$ \mathit{DN}_{max}$
$ \mathit{DN}_{min}$ [counts] minimum ADC output.
$ \mathit{DR}$ $ [dB]$ Dynamic Range.
$ \lambda_{1}\cdots\lambda_{2}$ [Å] filter passband.
$ \Delta\lambda$ [Å] filter-bandwidth.
$ \Delta\lambda$ [Å] filter passband.
$ E_{\gamma_{app}}$ $ [\mathrm{photons}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,m^{-2}]$ spectral radiant incidence at the aperture.
$ E_{\gamma_{i}}$ $ [\mathrm{photons}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,m^{-2}]$ spectral radiant incidence at the image plane.
$ \mathit{FR}$ $ [\mathrm{images}/s]$ frame rate.
$ \mathit{FoV_{o}}$ [angle] optical field-of-view.
$ \mathit{FoV_{}}$ field-of-view
$ \mathit{FoV_{p}}$ [angle] field-of-view per pixel.
$ \mathit{FoV_{p}}$
$ \mathit{FoV_{x}}$ [angle] field-of-view in x-direction.
$ \mathit{FoV_{y}}$ [angle] field-of-view in y-direction.
$ L_{\gamma}$
$ L_{\gamma}$
$ L_{\gamma}$
$ \mathit{NEE}$ Noise Equivalent Exposure.
$ \Omega$ $ [\mathrm{sr}]$ solid angle.
$ \Omega_{ds}$
$ \Phi$ $ [W]$ radiant flux.
$ \Phi_{\gamma_{app}}$ $ [\mathrm{photons}/s]$ photon flux.
$ {Q_{E}}$
$ {Q_{E}}$ $ [e^{-}/\mathrm{photons}]$ quantum efficiency.
$ \mathit{SNR}$ $ [1]$ signal-to-noise ratio.
$ \mathit{SNR}$
$ \mathit{SNR}$
$ \mathit{SNR}$
$ \mathit{SNR}$
$ \mathit{SNR}$
$ \mathit{SNR}$ of an ICCD $ \mathit{SNR}_{ICCD}$
$ \alpha$
$ \alpha$
$ \alpha$-axis
$ a_{\phi}$
$ a_{\phi}$ [angle] azimuth.
$ \beta$
$ \beta$
$ \beta$
$ \beta$-axis
$ \mathit{B}_{0}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$ black-level (or preset bias).
$ \mathit{B}_{Lj}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$ overscan-strip correction.
$ \mathit{B}_{\overline{Z}ij}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$ averaged bias-correction image.
$ \mathit{B}_{ij}$ $ [\mathit{B}_{]}$ bias (or DC-level).
$ \mathit{B}_{q}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$ quadrant bias.
$ \cos^4 \theta$ ``natural vignetting''.
$ \cos^4 \theta$
$ \mathit{D}_{ij}$ $ \mathrm{counts}$ dark-current correction image.
$ h_{\theta}$
$ \epsilon(\mathbf{r},t,\lambda)$ $ [\mathrm{photons}\,\mathrm{m}^{-3}\mathrm{s}^{-1}]$ volume emission rate.
$ \eta_{E}$
$ \eta_{P}$ $ [1]$ phosphor efficiency.
$ \mathit{F}_{Mij\lambda}$
$ \mathit{F}_{Mij\lambda}$ $ [1]$ modelled flat-field correction.
$ \mathit{F}_{ij\lambda}$ $ [1]$ flat-field correction.
$ f_{\char93 }$ $ [1]$ f-number.
$ \lambda$
$ \lambda$ index.
$ \lambda$
$ \lambda$
$ \lambda_{\theta}$
$ \lambda_{cw}$
$ \lambda_{cw}$ [Å] filter centre wavelength at normal incidence.
$ \mathbf{\zeta}$
$ n_{e^{-}_{\gamma}}$
$ \overline{n}_{e^{-}_{\gamma}}$ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$ average number of photoelectrons.
$ \overline{n}_{e^{-}_{\gamma MCP}}$ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$ average number of secondary photoelectrons.
$ \overline{n}_{e^{-}_{\gamma{},pc}}$ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$ average number of signal electrons generated by the photo-cathode.
$ \overline{n}_{e^{-}_{\gamma{}ij}}$
$ n_{e^{-}_{max}}$ $ [e^{-}_{}]$ charge well capacity.
$ n_{\gamma_{CCD}}$ $ [\mathrm{photons}]$ number of photons hitting the CCD.
$ n_{\gamma_{i}}$
$ n_{\gamma_{i}}$ $ [\mathrm{photons}]$ number of photons reaching the image plane.
$ n_{\gamma_{pix}}$ $ [\mathrm{photons}]$ number of photons hitting an individual pixel.
$ \nu$
$ \overline{X}$
$ \overline{\mathit{DN}}'_{C}$
$ \overline{g}$ $ [1]$ average MCP gain.
$ \overline{g}$
$ \overline{g}$
$ \langle X \rangle $
$ \langle {X} \rangle^{2}$
$ \langle n_{e^{-}_{\gamma}} \rangle $ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$ standard deviation of the noise resulting from the photoelectrons.
$ \langle n_{e^{-}_{ICCD}} \rangle $ [ $ {e^{-}_{RMS}}$] total noise for the ICCD.
$ \langle n_{e^{-}_{\gamma}} \rangle $ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$ standard deviation of the noise resulting from the photoelectrons.
$ \langle n_{e^{-}_{d}} \rangle $ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$ dark-current noise.
$ \langle n_{e^{-}_{p}} \rangle $ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$ pattern noise.
$ \langle n_{e^{-}_{r}} \rangle $ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$ standard deviation of the noise floor (or read noise).
$ \langle n_{e^{-}_{s}} \rangle $ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$ shot noise.
$ \langle n_{e^{-}_{tot}} \rangle $ $ {e^{-}_{RMS}}$ total noise.
$ \tau_{DCS}$ $ [\mu{}s]$ DCS integrator time constant.
$ \theta$
$ \theta$
$ \theta_{max}$ [angle] maximum ray-angle through the filter.
$ \theta_{max}$
$ t_{\mathit{int}}$
$ t_{\mathit{int}}$
$ t_{\mathit{int}}$
$ t_{\mathit{int}}$ $ [s]$ on-chip integration (``exposure'') time.
$ t_{int,k}$ $ [s]$ integration time for image $ k$.
$ t_{\mathit{misc}}$ $ [s]$ misc. time before the next image can be read.
$ t_{\mathit{read}}$ $ [s]$ read-out time.
$ z_{\theta}$
$ z_{\theta}$ zenith-angle.
$ c$
$ d_{app}$ $ [m]$ aperture-stop.
$ f$ $ [m]$ focal length.
$ f_{\char93 fl}$ [1] f-number setting on the front lens.
$ h$
$ h_{i}$
$ h_{s}$
$ i$ $ [1 \cdots m]$ pixel columns.
$ j$ $ [1 \cdots n]$ pixel rows.
$ k_{MCP}$ microchannel excess noise.
$ l$ $ [m]$ line of sight.
$ r_{i}$
$ r_{s}$
$ t_{DCS}$ $ [\mu{}s]$ DCS integration time.
$ x_{bin}$ $ [1]$ binning-factor in the x-direction.
$ y_{bin}$ $ [1]$ binning factor in the y-direction.


Abisko Scientific Station ANS
absolute calibration constant with binned pixels $ C_{abs\lambda{c,binxy}}$ $ [R/Ã?Â?]$
absolute calibration constant $ C_{abs\lambda{c}}$ $ [R/\mathrm{counts}]$
ADC bit weight ( $ 90.6~\mu{}V/\mathrm{counts}$) $ B_{ADC}$ $ [\mu{}V/\mathrm{counts}]$
ADCs Analogue to Digital Converters , [*]
AIDA Alis Internal Data Administration , [*]
ALIS Auroral Large Imaging System , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*]
Alis Internal Data Administration AIDA
All-Sky Camera ASC
all-sky optical imager ASI
Analogue to Digital Converters ADCs
aniara , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*]
ANS Abisko Scientific Station , [*]
aperture-stop $ d_{app}$ $ [m]$
area of a CCD pixel $ A_{pix}$ $ [m^2]$
area of CCD-detector $ A_{CCD}$ $ [m^{2}]$
ASC All-Sky Camera , [*]
ASI all-sky optical imager , [*]
Auroral Large Imaging System ALIS , [*] , [*] , [*]
average MCP gain $ \overline{g}$ $ [1]$
average number of photoelectrons $ \overline{n}_{e^{-}_{\gamma}}$ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$
average number of secondary photoelectrons $ \overline{n}_{e^{-}_{\gamma MCP}}$ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$
average number of signal electrons generated by the photo-cathode $ \overline{n}_{e^{-}_{\gamma{},pc}}$ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$
averaged bias-correction image $ \mathit{B}_{\overline{Z}ij}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$
azimuth/elevation drive
azimuth $ a_{\phi}$ [angle]
bias (or DC-level) $ \mathit{B}_{ij}$ $ [\mathit{B}_{]}$
binning factor in the y-direction $ y_{bin}$ $ [1]$
binning-factor in the x-direction $ x_{bin}$ $ [1]$
black-level (or preset bias) $ \mathit{B}_{0}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$
Bright Star Catalogue BSC
BSC Bright Star Catalogue , [*]
calibrated pixel-value $ I_{ij}$ $ [R]$
camera control unit , [*]
Camera Control Unit CCU , [*]
Camera Positioning System CPS , [*] , [*]
Camera stand
CC control centre , [*]
CCD camera head CCH , [*]
CCD Charge Coupled Device , [*]
CCD output sensitivity $ G_{CCD}$ $ [\mu{}V/e^{-}_{\gamma}]$
CCH CCD camera head , [*] , [*] , [*]
CCU Camera Control Unit , [*] , [*] , [*]
CCU CPS Control Unit , [*]
Charge Coupled Device CCD
Charge Transfer Efficiency $ \mathit{CTE}$
charge well capacity $ n_{e^{-}_{max}}$ $ [e^{-}_{}]$
column emission
column emission rate
column emission rate of the light standard $ I_{ls}(\lambda)$ $ [R/Ã?Â?]$
column emission rate $ I$ $ [R]$
Computer Tomography CT
control centre
control centre CC
corrected pixel value $ \mathit{DN}_{ij}'$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$
CPC CPS Control unit , [*]
CPS Camera Positioning System , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*]
CPS Control Unit CCU
CPS Control unit CPC
CT Computer Tomography , [*]
dark-current correction image $ \mathit{D}_{ij}$ $ \mathrm{counts}$
dark-current noise
dark-current noise $ \langle n_{e^{-}_{d}} \rangle $ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$
DC-bias-level $ \mathit{DN}_{DC}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$
DCS Double Correlated Sampling , [*]
DCS integration time $ t_{DCS}$ $ [\mu{}s]$
DCS integrator time constant $ \tau_{DCS}$ $ [\mu{}s]$
DDS Digital Data Storage , [*]
detective quantum efficiency DQE
Digital Data Storage DDS
digital output $ \mathit{DN}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$
digital output $ \mathit{DN}_{ij}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$
DIS Doppler Imaging System , [*] , [*] , [*]
Doppler Imaging System DIS , [*]
Double Correlated Sampling DCS
DQE detective quantum efficiency , [*]
Dynamic Range $ \mathit{DR}$ $ [dB]$
effective aperture of the optics $ A_{app}$ $ [m^{2}]$
effective index of refraction $ N_e$ [1]
effective quantum yield
Effective Radiated Power ERP
EISCAT European Incoherent SCATter radar , [*]
electron multiplication noise
electrostatic discharge ESD
EPLD Erasable, Programmable Logic Device , [*]
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory , [*]
Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EPROM
Erasable, Programmable Logic Device EPLD
ERP Effective Radiated Power , [*]
ESD electrostatic discharge , [*]
European Incoherent SCATter radar EISCAT
f-number setting on the front lens $ f_{\char93 fl}$ [1]
f-number $ f_{\char93 }$ $ [1]$
Fabry-Perot filters
fibre-optic minification ratio $ M_{FO}$ $ [1]$
field-of-view in x-direction $ \mathit{FoV_{x}}$ [angle]
field-of-view in y-direction $ \mathit{FoV_{y}}$ [angle]
field-of-view per pixel $ \mathit{FoV_{p}}$ [angle]
field-of-view $ \mathit{FoV_{}}$
filter centre wavelength at normal incidence $ \lambda_{cw}$ [Å]
filter passband $ \lambda_{1}\cdots\lambda_{2}$ [Å]
filter passband $ \Delta\lambda$ [Å]
Filter Wheel Control unit FWC
filter-bandwidth $ \Delta\lambda$ [Å]
Filter-Wheel Control unit FWC
FITS Flexible Image Transfer System , [*]
Fixed Pattern Noise FPN
flat-field correction $ \mathit{F}_{ij\lambda}$ $ [1]$
Flexible Image Transfer System FITS
focal length $ f$ $ [m]$
FPN Fixed Pattern Noise , [*]
Frame rate
frame rate $ \mathit{FR}$ $ [\mathrm{images}/s]$
FWC , [*]
FWC Filter Wheel Control unit , [*]
FWC Filter-Wheel Control unit , [*]
General Instrument Platform GIP
geometrical calibration
GIP General Instrument Platform , [*]
GLIP Ground-based Low-light Imaging Platform , [*] , [*] , [*]
Global Positioning System GPS
GPS Global Positioning System , [*]
Ground-based Low-light Imaging Platform GLIP , [*]
HAARP High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program facility , [*]
HALIS Housing for ALIS , [*]
HENRIK , [*]
HF high-frequency , [*]
HF pump-enhanced airglow
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program facility HAARP
high-frequency HF
high-speed link
Housekeeping Unit
Housekeeping Unit HU
Housing for ALIS HALIS
HU Housekeeping Unit , [*]
ICC Imager Control Computer , [*]
ICCD Intensified CCD , [*]
IGY International Geophysical Year , [*]
image area $ A_{i}$ $ [m^{2}]$
Image Processing Computer IPC
Imager Control Computer ICC
imager system gain $ G_{S}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}/e^{-}_{\gamma}]$
index $ \lambda$
Information Technology IT
integrating sphere
integration time
integration time for image $ k$ $ t_{int,k}$ $ [s]$
Intensified CCD ICCD
interference filter
International Brightness Coefficients IBC
International Geophysical Year IGY
IPC Image Processing Computer , [*]
IRF , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*]
IRF Swedish Institute of Space Physics , [*] , [*] , [*]
IT Information Technology , [*]
LAN Local Area Network , [*] , [*] , [*]
line of sight $ l$ $ [m]$
Local Area Network LAN , [*]
Magnetohydrodynamical MHD
MART Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Technique , [*]
maximum ADC output
maximum charge-well capacity $ \mathit{DN}_{SEE}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$
maximum ray-angle through the filter $ \theta_{max}$ [angle]
MCP micro-channel plate , [*]
mean value
MHD Magnetohydrodynamical , [*]
micro-channel plate MCP
microchannel excess noise $ k_{MCP}$
mima , [*] , [*] , [*]
minimum ADC output $ \mathit{DN}_{min}$ [counts]
misc. time before the next image can be read $ t_{\mathit{misc}}$ $ [s]$
modelled flat-field correction
modelled flat-field correction $ \mathit{F}_{Mij\lambda}$ $ [1]$
Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Technique MART
narrow-band interference filters
National Bureau of Standards NBS
National Institute for Polar Research NIPR
NBS National Bureau of Standards , [*]
Near-sensor Interface and Processing Unit NIPU
network time protocol ntp
NIPR National Institute for Polar Research
NIPU , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*]
NIPU Near-sensor Interface and Processing Unit , [*]
Noise Equivalent Exposure $ \mathit{NEE}$
normalised filter transmittance function $ T'(\lambda)$ $ [1]$
ntp network time protocol , [*]
number of photons hitting an individual pixel $ n_{\gamma_{pix}}$ $ [\mathrm{photons}]$
number of photons hitting the CCD $ n_{\gamma_{CCD}}$ $ [\mathrm{photons}]$
number of photons reaching the image plane
number of photons reaching the image plane $ n_{\gamma_{i}}$ $ [\mathrm{photons}]$
number of transfers
OC Operations Centre , [*]
on-chip integration (``exposure'') time $ t_{\mathit{int}}$ $ [s]$
OPERA OPERations system for ALIS , [*]
operations centre
Operations Centre OC
OPERations system for ALIS OPERA
optical field-of-view $ \mathit{FoV_{o}}$ [angle]
overscan-strip , [*]
overscan-strip correction $ \mathit{B}_{Lj}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$
PAI Portable Auroral Imager , [*] , [*] , [*]
parsifal , [*] , [*]
pattern noise $ \langle n_{e^{-}_{p}} \rangle $ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$
PCNN Pulse Coupled Neural Networks , [*]
PDU Power Distribution Unit , [*]
Phase-Locked Loop PLL
phosphor efficiency $ \eta_{P}$ $ [1]$
Photo Response Non-Uniformities PRNU
photo-cathode dark-current noise
photo-cathode $ \mathit{pc}$
photon flux $ \Phi_{\gamma_{app}}$ $ [\mathrm{photons}/s]$
pixel columns $ i$ $ [1 \cdots m]$
pixel indices $ (i,j)$
pixel rows $ j$ $ [1 \cdots n]$
Planck's constant
PLL Phase-Locked Loop , [*]
point spread function PSF
Point-to-Point Protocol ppp
Polar Stratospheric Clouds PSC , [*] , [*]
polar-stratospheric clouds
Portable Auroral Imager PAI , [*]
Power Distribution Unit PDU
ppp Point-to-Point Protocol , [*]
PPS Pulse Per Second , [*]
PRNU Photo Response Non-Uniformities , [*]
programmable gain setting (5 or 10) $ G_{P}$ $ [1]$
PSC Polar Stratospheric Clouds , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*] , [*]
PSF point spread function , [*]
Pulse Coupled Neural Networks PCNN
Pulse Per Second PPS
quadrant bias $ \mathit{B}_{q}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$
quantum efficiency $ {Q_{E}}$ $ [e^{-}/\mathrm{photons}]$
Radial Basis Neural Network RBNN
radiant flux $ \Phi$ $ [W]$
Radio Frequency Interference RFI
radiometric unit for the aurora and airglow
RBNN Radial Basis Neural Network , [*]
read noise
read-out time $ t_{\mathit{read}}$ $ [s]$
reference pixels
Removing the instrument signature
RFI Radio Frequency Interference , [*]
root-mean-square electrons
Saturation Equivalent Exposure SEE
SC Station Computer , [*] , [*] , [*]
SEE Saturation Equivalent Exposure , [*]
Selective Imaging Technique SIT
shot noise $ \langle n_{e^{-}_{s}} \rangle $ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$
Signal-to-noise ratio
signal-to-noise ratio of an ICCD
signal-to-noise ratio $ \mathit{SNR}$ $ [1]$
Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique SIRT
Singular Value Decomposition SVD
SIRT Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique , [*]
SIT Selective Imaging Technique , [*]
sky background correction $ I_{bg,ij}$ $ [R]$
solid angle of the lens aperture as seen from the source
solid angle $ \Omega$ $ [\mathrm{sr}]$
source area $ A_{s}$ $ [m^{2}]$
source of area $ A_{s}$ $ [m^{2}]$
spectral radiant incidence at the aperture $ E_{\gamma_{app}}$ $ [\mathrm{photons}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,m^{-2}]$
spectral radiant incidence at the image plane $ E_{\gamma_{i}}$ $ [\mathrm{photons}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,m^{-2}]$
Spectral radiant incidence (irradiance) $ E$
spectral radiant sterance , [*]
spectral radiant sterance in energy units $ L_{E}$ $ [W\,m^{-2}\,\mathrm{sr}^{-1}]$
spectral radiant sterance in quantum units
spectral radiant sterance $ L$
speed of light
standard deviation
standard deviation of the noise floor (or read noise) $ \langle n_{e^{-}_{r}} \rangle $ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$
standard deviation of the noise resulting from the photoelectrons $ \langle n_{e^{-}_{\gamma}} \rangle $ $ [{e^{-}_{RMS}}]$
station computer SC , [*]
SVD Singular Value Decomposition , [*]
Swe-ALIS the Swedish part of ALIS , [*]
Swedish Institute of Space Physics IRF , [*]
Swedish part of ALIS Swe-ALIS
threshold of detection
tosca , [*]
total noise for the ICCD $ \langle n_{e^{-}_{ICCD}} \rangle $ [ $ {e^{-}_{RMS}}$]
total noise $ \langle n_{e^{-}_{tot}} \rangle $ $ {e^{-}_{RMS}}$
transmittance of the atmosphere
transmittance of the filter $ T_{f}(i,j,\lambda)$ [1]
transmittance $ T(\lambda,...)$ $ [1]$
uniformly illuminated central pixels of the CCD $ \mathit{DN}_{Cij}$ $ [\mathrm{counts}]$
Uninterruptable Power Supply UPS
Uninterrupted Power Supply UPS
UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply , [*]
verdi , [*]
volume emission rate $ \epsilon(\mathbf{r},t,\lambda)$ $ [\mathrm{photons}\,\mathrm{m}^{-3}\mathrm{s}^{-1}]$
WAN Wide Area Network (connected to the Internet) , [*]
WAN/LAN Interface consisting of the WAN-Interface, a router, a switch and possibly also a firewall WLI
wavelength , [*]
Westward Travelling Surges WTS
Wide Area Network (connected to the Internet) WAN
WLI WAN/LAN Interface consisting of the WAN-Interface, a router, a switch and possibly also a firewall , [*]
WTS Westward Travelling Surges
Zenith angle
zenith-angle $ z_{\theta}$

copyright Urban Brändström, htmlized by B. Gustavsson