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Calibrating ALIS
``Gör vad du kan -- och uppgiften skall vila lätt i din hand, så
lätt att du med förväntan sträcker dig mot det svårare prov som kan
Det är när morgonglansen bytts i middagströtthet, när benmusklerna
skälva vid anspänningen, vägen tycks oändlig och plötsligt ingenting
vill gå riktigt som du önskar -- det är då du inte får
Calibration is
the process of answering the following two basic questions:
- What physical value does the pixel represent?
- How is each pixel mapped to the observed object?
Answering these two rather simple questions is often no simple task.
In the case of a classical photometer, there is only one detector with
a relatively narrow field-of-view. For an ALIS imager there are about
individual detectors (pixels) covering a moderate
field-of-view (
). Calibrating image data is therefore a
considerably more complex issue compared to calibrating a photometer.
An ALIS Imager produces two-dimensional images of size
pixels. Each pixel is represented by a signed 16-bit integer value
). This value is often referred to as
digital output,
. The indices are
pixel columns,
, and
pixel rows,
, These go from the
first to the last pixel in each direction (Figure 4.1).
Figure 4.1:
Coordinates and notation for the CCD in the ALIS images. The
camera control unit reads out a line from each quadrant in
parallel (along the dotted arrows 0-3). The pixels are then sent to
the host computer, starting with quadrant 0. As this is finished,
the next line is immediately read from the CCD. The host computer
then sorts the pixels to form an image as indicated by the X and
Y-axes in the figure. The approximate quarters (N, S, E, W) are only
applicable to the fixed ALIS stations (i.e. not the bus). The
quadrants are sometimes denoted 0-3 and sometimes A-D. The
X-direction is also referred to as column or NAXIS1 and the
Y-direction is sometimes referred to as row, line or NAXIS2. The
shaded areas at the edges of the CCD indicate the bias-pixels,
which are shaded from light. These are also called
overscan-strip or reference-pixels. The optical
, is indicated with a grey circle
and is measured diagonally across the CCD. The illuminated CCD (white)
defines the field-of-view in
, and the field-of-view
in y-direction,
, (refer to Table 4.6).
Note that the number of pixels in each direction should be divided by
the on-chip binning factors (Section 3.2.1). Supplemental information
is contained in the image header (for example azimuth, zenith-angle,
integration time, filter, etc.).
Next: Removing the instrument signature
Previous: Summary
copyright Urban Brändström