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Up: Continued operations with ALIS
Previous: Assessing the present status
In the near future (1-2 years) it is of highest priority to enable
measurements with as many stations as possible, given the present
budget and staff. This implies no major upgrades, and only performing
a selection of the most critical maintenance tasks as discussed above.
To increase the time for analysis and publication of data, as well as
for performing the necessary upgrades and maintenance, it might be an
option to increase the student involvement in the observations, as
well as in some software development and data-analysis.
The fate (i.e. funding) of ALIS in a longer perspective is directly
dependent on what actions are taken in the upcoming 1-3 years. A
stable core-group with thorough scientific and technical experience
from ALIS operations is without doubt the most critical component.
Given a sustained and increased funding in the future, upgrading (or
replacing) the imagers is required in a longer perspective. Also all
obsolete systems at the stations need to be replaced. The next step
would probably be to expand ALIS towards Tromsø with station (9)
Frihetsli (Figure 2.4 and Table 2.3) and possibly near the
EISCAT site at Ramfjordmoen, as well as equipping the existing
stations (7) Kilvo and (8) Nytorp with instruments. For such new
stations a tentative block-diagram appears in Figure D.2.
Figure D.2:
For future new stations, the SC is replaced by an new HU, which
might have a cell-phone interface for emergency operation. The
imager is controlled by a dedicated computer, and the dial-up line
is replaced by a high-speed Internet connection.
It must also not be forgotten that the GLIPs are capable of housing
several other instruments of various types (Section 2.1). Such
instruments could include imaging spectrometers, dedicated cloud
cameras, colour imagers for auroral imaging (Appendix C),
magnetometers, riometers, ionosondes, etc.
Another issue is that as the stations become networked over permanent
Internet connections, there will be no need for a dedicated control
centre as illustrated in Figure D.3.
Figure D.3:
A decentralised future ALIS: As the ALIS stations will most likely
gain permanent Internet access in the future, the functions of the
control centre will be decentralised to the stations. Connections
to other stations, as well as other instruments (exemplified by
EISCAT and a satellite) can then also be initiated as required.
Given an internationally-standardised set of interfaces, any collection
of instruments could be quickly enrolled into simultaneous
observations of a particular phenomena.
In the future perhaps scientific instruments will be placed on a
standardised General Instrument Platform (GIP), which can be
either ground-based, airborne, or placed on a spacecraft. Networks of
such GIPs could then be spontaneously created, configured and
controlled for specific scientific studies. Developing such ideas
might enhance the availability and usage of the existing plethora of
scientific instrumentation, in the same way as the world-wide-web
enhanced simplified Internet usage.
Next: Bibliography
Up: Continued operations with ALIS
Previous: Assessing the present status
copyright Urban Brändström