Next: The ALIS control centre
Up: ALIS, the Auroral Large
Previous: The ALIS stations
IT hardware and infrastructure
As might be expected, an unmanned large-scale remote-controlled
facility like ALIS requires considerable amounts of
Information Technology (IT), both in terms of computers and
datacommunication infrastructure. As work on ALIS was initiated, much
of what is taken for granted today simply did not exist, or was far
too expensive. In other cases the technical evolution took unexpected
turns, making some choices of technology appear awkward and
obsolete today.
A variety of computer architectures and operating systems were
available when work on ALIS started. At an early stage command and
control functions were separated from image processing,
data storage and transmission. The first specification of the
computer systems for ALIS [Brändström and Steen, 1992] included a main
computer and a dedicated Image Processing Computer (IPC) in
the control centre. At the stations, one computer would be responsible
for controlling the station, while a special dedicated unit, called
the Near-sensor Interface and Processing Unit (NIPU), would handle
the large amounts of data (
Mbytes/s) created by the imagers.
A Hewlett Packard HP-755 PA-RISC workstation was selected as the
control centre main computer. Budgetary constraints prohibited the use
of similar computers at the stations. Therefore it was decided to use
IBM-PC compatible machines (i486). Due to the fast development of
computer hardware, the station computers have been replaced after
typically 3 years of operation. The current system still uses various
PCs (ranging from i486 to Pentium III). At the control centre the
HP-755 computer lasted until 1999 when it was replaced by two PCs.
The aim of having a dedicated image processing computer has not been
realised as no real-time data is yet available due to the absence of
high-speed lines to the stations. Dataanalysis is performed on various
The datahandling, image processing and data storage at the stations were
supposed to be handled by a dedicated computer. Around 1990, a very
promising device for this purpose was the Transputer, a parallel
processing device communicating with other devices over four serial
links. Another interesting device was the Intel I860 floating-point
processor. A prototype system was built using the T222 and T800
Transputers. Apart from the imager itself it was also desirable to
control the Camera Positioning System (CPS) as well as the
filter-wheel from the NIPU. In this way the NIPU would control all
subsystems related to the imager. The ALIS imager would produce over
2 Mbytes/s, which was too fast for the T222/T800 Transputer links
(capable of 20 Mbits/s). However a new Transputer, the T9000, was
expected to be released around 1992. This device would have enhanced
links capable of 100 Mbits/s and increased processing power
(25 MFLOPS), and would thus be well-suited for demanding image-processing
applications [Pountain, 1991]. Designs were made for this
device, but its release was postponed several times due to technical
problems. Since the camera controller for the ALIS-Imager
(Chapter 3) was also based on a Transputer, the T222, a T800 in the
NIPU was chosen as an intermediate solution for handling the incoming
image data. Due to the limitations of the link-speed of these
Transputers, data was to be transferred to the NIPU over a 16-bit
parallel interface. Six NIPUs of this design were built (Figure 2.5).
Figure 2.5:
The NIPU. The board contains four T222 modules, each controlling the
axes of the camera-positioning system as well as
the filter-wheel and an additional Transputer intended (but never used)
for GPS-timing. The large module is the T800-board with memory and
parallel interface for image capture from the 16-bit parallel interface
of the camera controller. Ample space is provided for future
expansions with T9000 boards.
Meanwhile the fast development of the PCs eventually made the
Transputers obsolete, and around 1997 it was decided that a second PC
would take over the responsibilities of the NIPU. A prototype
PCI-board with a DSP was designed and tested, but during this work
technical problems with the parallel read-out from the camera
controller were discovered (Section 3.3.4). Since these
problems could not be resolved, the resulting decrease of the maximum
imager frame-rate made both the NIPU and the second PC for receiving
image data superfluous. Therefore the six already existing NIPUs
ended up as rather over-designed controllers for the
camera-positioning system (Section 3.6) and the filter-wheels
(Section 3.5.1).
Communication systems
When design work on ALIS began, the fastest off-the-shelf modem
available was at 2400 bits/s, and with a special, rather expensive,
leased-line one could attain 9600 bits/s. The first ALIS paper
[Steen, 1989] specified a
Mbits/s communication link
capable of near real-time image transfer to the control centre. A
network of microwave links was considered but deemed far too
expensive, as was the case with the fibre-optic lines passing near two
of the stations (Merasjärvi, Silkkimuotka, see below).
Dial-up telephone lines were too slow, and faster means of
communication too expensive. It was anticipated that the fast
technological development in this field would make faster
communication lines available at a reasonable cost. Thus it was
decided that ALIS would use slow dial-up modem lines for command,
status information and to transmit reduced quick-look images to the
control centre. A future ``to be defined'' high-speed link to
the control centre would provide the high-speed communication required
for real-time transfer of raw image data. Meanwhile, local data
storage, and on-site image processing of the data would be employed at
the stations.
The dial-up lines were one of the major sources of trouble in ALIS
during the early years. This was mainly due to bad telephone lines and
old electro-mechanical telephone switching equipment. This led to
extensive efforts to troubleshoot modem lines and to develop reliable
communications software. Also the modem technology and quality of the
telephone lines improved considerably over the years. Today the
dial-up lines are capable of reliable 28800 bits/s communication, using
the standard Point-to-Point Protocol (ppp)
[Simpson, 1994].
The high-speed link remains to be defined. The optimal solution would
be optical fibres (
Mbits/s), but other solutions are also
possible, such as ADSL (
kbits/s), ISDN (
radio-links (
Mbits/s), etc.
Stations (2) Merasjärvi and (3) Silkkimuotka are located in
the proximity of nodes for high bandwidth fibre-optic communication
lines. (5) Abisko is located close to the Abisko Scientific
Station (ANS) which recently acquired high-speed fibre optic
Internet connection.
Presently only the Kiruna station has a 2 Mbits/s Ethernet connection
to Internet realised by a microwave-link to IRF, the rest of
the stations are connected by means of 28 kbits/s dial-up modem lines.
The rapidly increasing demand for high-speed Internet subscriptions
among the general public might speed up the process of getting faster
communication lines for all ALIS stations at a reasonable cost.
Station data storage
Various solutions for the local data storage at the stations have been
considered over the years. Initially it was intended to store the
image data onto Digital Data Storage (DDS) tapes which around
1992 had a storage capacity of up to 1 Gbyte. However, this solution
proved slow and unreliable, mainly due to the hostile environment at
the stations during tape-changes (moist, rapid temperature changes,
etc.). Other solutions were also studied, but most of these were too
complicated, too expensive or both. If faster communications would
have been available, data could be stored on hard-disks, and
downloaded to the control-centre in near real-time, or during
non-measuring time. As the DDS drives tested at the first stations
were not as reliable as expected, large (i.e. 2-9 Gbytes around 1992)
external SCSI hard-disks were used instead. When a disk became full,
it was exchanged manually, either by neighbours to the stations, or by
staff from IRF. This solution proved simple and reliable. The
only disadvantage was the usually rather long time (typically months)
before raw-data from all stations became available for archiving and
Data archiving and availability
Reduced quick-look images (about 16 kBytes) are transmitted to the
control centre and distributed to the operations centre (and web-site)
in near real-time during measurement. However, these images are only
intended for monitoring, and are of far too poor resolution for
scientific analysis.
As the raw-data disks reach the control centre, recordable CDs
(CD-R) of ALIS data are produced, and archived. All ALIS data produced
so far are also made freely available on the world-wide web (see for details) The main archive web-site
is maintained by Peter Rydesäter who also provides a SQL database and
search tools (see also Section 6.2).
The image data is stored in the Flexible Image Transfer
System (FITS), [NASA, 1999]. This format is in wide use
by the astronomical community, and found to be particularly suited to
store scientific image data, as all supplementary information
regarding an image (exposure time, filter, CCD temperatures,
subsequent processing etc.) can be stored in the image header in a
flexible way. FITS is recognised by many image processing packages,
and free conversion programs to most other image formats exist on the
Internet for most operating systems.
The size of the image-files is 16 bits/pixel (2 bytes) where the
number of pixels is dependent on the configured spatial resolution
(see Table 2.2 and Section 3.2). The total size of a set of
images is also dependent on the number of stations involved and the
temporal resolution selected.
Operating Systems
It was an early requirement to have a true multi-tasking operating
system such as Unix for ALIS. HP-UX, which was delivered with the
workstation selected for the control centre fulfilled this demand. The
decision to use the IBM-PC architecture at the stations limited the
choice of operating systems to SCO-Unix and MS-DOS. SCO-Unix was quite
expensive compared to its reliability, so the reluctantly chosen
remaining option was to use MS-DOS at the stations. This lead to
limitations in the flexibility of the system.
Some years later highly reliable and free operating systems such as
Free-BSD and GNU/Linux emerged. It was immediately realised that a
change to one of these operating systems at the stations would be
necessary to meet the required data-handling specifications. In 1997
all stations had changed operating systems to Debian GNU/Linux, and in
the fall of 1999 the HP-UX operating system in the control centre was
also changed to GNU/Linux as the old HP workstation was replaced.
Next: The ALIS control centre
Up: ALIS, the Auroral Large
Previous: The ALIS stations
copyright Urban Brändström