The most well-known imaging instrument is maybe the All-Sky
Camera (ASC), which consists of a camera together with an optical
arrangement of one or several mirrors providing near
field-of-view. This instrument exists in a variety of designs
[for example Elvey and Stoffregen, 1957; Stoffregen, 1955; Hyppönen et al., 1974; Stoffregen, 1956, and
and was pioneered by Gartlein [1947]. During the
International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957-1958 a
ground-based network of all-sky cameras was operating at 114 stations
around the polar regions [Stoffregen, 1962]. Since then, improved
versions of the all-sky camera have been the main observatory
instruments for ground-based imaging of the aurora. Examples of
present state-of-the-art digital all-sky cameras are the
all-sky optical imager (ASI) in use at the Amudsen-Scott
South Pole station [Ejiri et al., 1998; Ejiri et al., 1999] as well as the
cameras used in the Finnish MIRACLE
network1.3[Syrjäsuo, 1996; Syrjäsuo, 2001; Syrjäsuo, 1997]. These
all-sky cameras represent a considerable improvement over earlier
instruments. Since a filter-wheel is present, spectroscopic
measurements are possible. A somewhat different, and less
advanced approach, is presented in Section C.1, where a
commercial digital colour camera is used.
The intense development of television cameras starting in the late 1940's led to the emergence of better low-light imaging detectors based on television image-tubes, for example image orthicons and intensified vidicons. This enabled direct electronic recording of auroral image data. Absolute measurements with this class of detectors is very difficult, mainly due to calibration difficulties related to their non-linear response. Therefore these detectors have mainly been used for white-light imaging.
According to Jones [1974], the first use of image orthicon television camera systems for auroral observations were by Davis and Hicks [1964]. Image-intensified vidicon tubes were introduced by Scourfield and Parsons [1969]. Since then, technology has improved considerably and there exists a plethora of auroral imagers based on television type cameras, often in a combination with an image intensifier. An example of a modern television-type imager is the excellent Portable Auroral Imager (PAI) intended for high-resolution auroral imaging [Trondsen, 1998]. A few more examples of television-type imagers are mentioned in Section 3.2.1.
Space-borne optical imagers simplified the monitoring of large-scale auroral features. The Viking imager [Anger et al., 1987] may serve as an excellent example of this [see Pellinen and Kaila, 1991, for a more complete listing of space-borne imagers]. Polar/VIS1.4 is a more recent example of the versatile capabilities of space-borne auroral imaging techniques. For global auroral imaging, the capability to use UV-emissions to measure sunlit day-side aurora is a great advantage [Steen, 1989]. However, auroral imaging from space does not make ground-based and rocket-borne studies obsolete, they are both powerful and complementary methods that should not be underestimated. For example, small- and medium-scale phenomena are difficult to study from space due to the spatial smearing caused by the orbital motion, as well as imprecisely known value of the effective albedo [Steen, 1989]. Furthermore the orbital motion prohibits continuous studies in a certain local time sector, as well as along a certain magnetic field-line. The best results tend to emerge when different observing methods are combined.
By obtaining auroral photographs simultaneously from two or more locations, it is possible to employ triangulation techniques to estimate the height of the aurora. The first results from this method were obtained by Størmer [1911]. Later on the methods were improved and simplified [for example Vegard and Krogness, 1920], as described in the cornerstone work by Størmer [1955].
For examples of more recent height-determinations of the aurora see Aso et al. [1990]; Frey et al. [1996]; Aso et al. [1993]; Brandy and Hill [1964]; Aso et al. [1994]; Stenbaek-Nielsen and Hallinan [1979]; Romick and Belon [1967]; Steen [1988a]; Kaila [1987]; Jones et al. [1991]; Brown et al. [1976]; Steen [1988b], and references therein. However, embarking onto a detailed discussion of the many recent measurements extend far beyond the scope of this introduction.
Sadly, spectrographs and spectrometers are rare instruments in present day auroral studies. As much more sensitive detectors exist today, a re-examination of the spectral features of the aurora might prove rewarding.
At the present time, the dominating instrument for spectroscopic studies of aurora is the interference filter photometer. This instrument is used either for fixed single-point measurements, or in a scanning or imaging configuration. Examples of contemporary instruments are found in Kaila [2003a].