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Scientific objectives of ALIS
The list below tries to summarise the scientific objectives of ALIS,
from the first proposal [Steen, 1989] until the present time.
- Non-stable auroral forms:
- Auroral events such as: substorm
onsets, Westward Travelling Surges (WTS), surges, folds,
spirals (or auroral vortices), rays and omega bands, and the not
well-understood pulsating and flickering aurora belong to this
category. These phenomena require observations with high temporal
and spatial resolution. So far, ALIS has been used infrequently
to make this type of observations, due to a combination of
technical limitations (Section 3.3.4), as well as
difficulties related to the scientific understanding of these
phenomena. However, a theoretical paper on auroral vortices was
published (Section 6.5.3).
- Stable auroral forms:
- The stable auroral arc has been the topic
for many studies during the last five decades. Despite this, the
ionospheric environment in and around it is not yet fully
understood. Detailed field-aligned measurements of ionospheric
parameters combined with tri-static plasma-drift measurements by
EISCAT, produce profiles on electron density, electron and ion
temperatures ranging from some 90 km to 1000 km, as well as,
horizontal electric-field estimates in the ionospheric F-region.
To relate such measurements to the optical data from ALIS, as well
as to satellite and other ground-based instruments would increase
the scientific yield of studies of stable auroral forms. Some
results of such coordinated observations with ALIS, EISCAT and the
FAST satellite are discussed in Section 6.5.2. Another stable auroral
form is the diffuse aurora, (added to the scientific
objectives in Steen et al. [1990]) where the equatorward edge of
the diffuse aurora has been used to estimate the size of the auroral
oval. The main ionospheric trough is often associated with the
equatorward edge of the auroral oval. Examples of ``accidental''
measurements of the trough are discussed in Section 6.5.4. Other studies
(however, not always of stable aurora) that could be included here are :
enhanced aurora [Hallinan et al., 1985], black aurora, statistical
studies of arc-thickness etc.
- Characteristic energy of particles:
- By the use of spectroscopic
ratios, the characteristic energy of the precipitating particles can
be obtained
[Strickland et al., 1994; Rees and Luckey, 1974; Meier et al., 1989; Hecht et al., 1989]. To
do this properly would require simultaneous measurements at two
wavelengths at each station, thus doubling the data-flow and
requiring at least two imagers at each station. Results obtained so
far involve a single camera at each station and rapid filter
changes (Section 6.5.1).
- A 3-D image:
- Since the fields-of-view of the ALIS stations
overlap, it is possible to estimate the altitude distribution of
auroral emissions by utilising triangulation and tomographic
inversion techniques. Steen [1989] expected that ALIS would
be able to produce 2-D maps of the altitude-distribution of the
different auroral emissions. This would represent a pseudo 3-D image
of the aurora. To develop techniques for visualising the variations in
time and space of 3-D aurora was characterised as ``an interesting
but non-trivial exercise6.1''.
While the latter still lies in the realm of the future, ALIS-images
have frequently been used for obtaining heights and volume
distributions through triangulation and tomography-like inversion
techniques. The progress in this field is reported in Section 6.3 and
references therein.
- Relation between electron and proton aurora:
- The main auroral
particle species are electrons and protons. The intensity of the
more diffuse proton aurora is much lower than the electron aurora.
In order to study the relation between these two types of aurora, it
was suggested to use the
1Neg. (4278 Å) and
(4861 Å) emission
lines [see for example Galand, 2001, and references
therein]. Although ALIS would be well-suited for
studies of proton aurora, no measurements have been carried out to
- The relation between the neutral wind and the aurora:
- Auroral
intensifications appear to be related to rapid variations in the
thermospheric neutral wind on a time scale which excludes
contribution from the ion-drag force. This objective was added in
Steen et al. [1990] and some initial studies were carried out
(Section 6.5.6).
- Non-auroral studies:
- It was envisioned that ALIS would make
mainly auroral observations during dark periods. The system would
also be available for other types of measurements. One such type of
measurement is to study the formation of Polar
Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) which is important for the
understanding of ozone depletion. The results of some of these
studies are summarised in Section 6.6.1. It was later proposed
[Steen et al., 1990] to study gravity wave modulation of airglow
emissions. However, no such studies have been carried out to date. It
was also speculated that ALIS could be used for other studies, for example
high-altitude flashes, clouds and comets, etc. ALIS acquired some
images of the Hale-Bopp and the Hyakutake comets; however these data
have not yet been analysed. In summary, observations of HF pump-enhanced airglow quite
unexpectedly ended up as the main topic for ALIS.
The majority of published ALIS results to date concerns studies of
HF pump-enhanced airglow and therefore constitutes the main part of this chapter. When
ALIS measurements stopped for the season each year due to the midnight
sun period, one detector participated in a joint study to attempt
daytime auroral imaging using an imaging spectrometer. This generated
some interesting first results, as outlined in Section 6.5.5. Another
sidetrack that might become productive in the future is the study of
meteor trails. Some rather promising observations have already been
carried out (Section 6.6.2).
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copyright Urban Brändström