Next: List of Tables
Previous: Contents
- First proposed layout of ALIS
- Proposed layout of Swe-ALIS
- Fields-of-view and station baseline
- Map of the present ALIS
- The NIPU
- The ALIS Control Centre
- Block-diagram of the ALIS Control Centre
- The ALIS Operations Centre
- Quantum efficiency vs. wavelength for the SI-003AB CCD
vs. column emission
vs. integration time
- The effect of on-chip binning
- Dividing a full-frame CCD into sub-arrays.
- The six ALIS imagers
- Schematic diagram of the optical system
- The six-position filter wheel
- Electronics for the filter wheel and CPS
- The Camera Positioning System
- ALIS preset camera positions projected to 110 km altitude
- Block diagram of ALIS imager subsystems
- Coordinates and notation for the CCD in the ALIS Imager
- Calibration sources used for ALIS calibration
- Column emission rates for the calibrators
- Example filter transmittance curve
- Typical ALIS background image
- Block diagram of OPERA
- Station software
- An example of the difficulties of auroral image classification.
- Geometry of the HF pump-enhanced airglow experiments
- Maximum and average column emission time series as seen
from four stations
- Sequence of airglow images from the Silkkimuotka ALIS
- A series of images of enhanced 6300 Å airglow
- Results of triangulation of the maximum
volume emission.
- Triangulation of the displacement
of the two peaks in Figure 6.4
- Fabry-Perot interferometer measurements of the neutral wind at
240 km altitude.
- EISCAT UHF radar measurements of electron density
- Volume rendering of the artificially-enhanced airglow region above
- Estimates of the
excitation rates
- Estimated electron flux
- Estimated electron flux
- Auroral images from 16 February 1997
- Daytime auroral image
- PSC images and altitude profiles
- ALIS images of a meteor trail
- Projected meteor altitude profile
- Meteoroid altitude profiles
- Block diagram of the GLIP
- Transmittance curves for plexi-glass
- The GLIP in Tjautjas
- Detail of the GLIP dome
- Electrical installation of a GLIP
- Rear view of the Power Distribution Unit
- The Housekeeping Unit
- GPS-receiver
- The mobile imaging platform
- A digital colour all-sky camera
- Sample auroral image from the all-sky camera prototype
- Colour video frame of aurora with a meteor trail
- Block diagram of the upgraded GLIP
- Block diagram of future GLIPs
- A decentralised future ALIS
copyright Urban Brändström