The contents of this CD are divided among four directory structures. The links below will take you to a more detailed description of the appropriate section, and links in those files will take you to "ReadMe" files in individual subdirectories where you will find some description of the content, and usually a link to the source.
I have tried to link all the files so as to make it easy to browse for content of interest. However, if you choose to browse the CD directly with Windows Explorer, you can still open the ReadMe file in any sub-directory to get the information directly.
UtilitiesThis directory contains various utilities that may be useful while using the CD, or in your general work.
Various images and a range of applications permitting format conversions and DCT-, Wavelet-, and Fractal-based compression.
Compressed and uncompressed video streams, Motion JPEG, MPEG, and Wavelet-based compression and decompression applications, streaming media encoders and players.
Audio streams, and applications to capture audio from CDs etc. Encoders and decoders, and a demonstration of compression mechanisms.