... references.1.1
See also [Chamberlain, 1995, Appendix VIII], regarding historical references.
... changes''1.2
Free translation by the author, see the quote at the beginning of Chapter 3
... network1.3
... Polar/VIS1.4
... Lux3.1
According to Holst [1998, p. 28]
... taper3.2
In this text, the term ``ICCD'' is used for the combination of an image intensifier and a CCD, regardless of coupling type, or if they are manufactured as one unit or not.
... photoelectrons3.3
A more detailed discussion of this noise source is found in works by Holst [1998, pp. 195-200], Trondsen [1998, p. 48], Csorba [1985, pp. 120-124] and Hertel [1989].
... unit3.4
Note the cables are only about 1 m and flat on the prototype unit (ccdcam1)
... equation3.5
from the filter manufacturer (http://www.barrassociates.com/terms.php?type=angle), see also [Jones, 1974]
... )4.1
... exercise6.1
The problem is not so much the visualisation itself, but rather that human perception has evolved to interpret 2-D surfaces of 3-D objects. Evolution has never required an understanding of a true 3-D distribution.
... radiology6.2
Incidentally, the term ``tomography'' existed in radiological applications decades before computerised tomography became a real possibility. See, for example, Lodin [1935]; Weinbren [1946], and other references discussed in Backlund [1956]. Typically a series of X-ray exposures were obtained while the X-ray tube and film-cassette rotated around the patient. Back then, the tomographic inversion had to be performed by the brain of the radiologist observing these series of X-ray images.
... airglow\xspace6.3
As long as the enhancements were only observed in the $ O(^1D)$ (6300 Ã…) and occasionally in the $ O(^1S)$ (5577 Ã…) emission lines, the natural term was ``HF pump-enhanced airglow''. With the recent observations in the $ N^+_{2}$ 1Pos. (6600 Ã…) emission [Djuth et al., 1999], and $ N^+_{2}$ 1Neg. (4278 Ã…) and $ O(3p^3P)$ (8446 Ã…), a more correct term would be something like ``HF pump-enhanced optical emissions'' or maybe ``Radio-induced optical emissions''. However, the old term ``HF pump-enhanced airglow'' will be retained in this text for compatibility with earlier papers.
... tenA.1
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