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@misc{sergienko2003pc, author = {Tima Sergienko}, howpublished = {Private communication}, year = 2003 }
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@inproceedings{widell2001sgo, author = {Ola Widell and Hans Henricson}, title = {Intercalibration of low light level sources}, booktitle = {Proc. of 28th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, 19-24.8.2001, {O}ulu, {F}inland}, editor = {K. U. Kaila and J. R. T. Jussila and H. Holma}, year = 2003, number = 92, optnote = {(in press)}, organization = {Sodankyl{\"a} Geophysical Observatory}, pages = {125--125}, isbn = {951-42-6028-7}, issn = {1456-3673} }
@misc{yamauchi1999pc, author = {Masatoshi Yamauchi}, howpublished = {Private communication}, note = {(see also \url{http://www.irf.se/pics/YamaAuroraVideo/})}, year = 1999 }
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@mastersthesis{wang2011irf, author = {Zilu Wang}, title = {Unknown}, school = {Space Masters, LTU}, year = {2011}, optkey = {}, opttype = {}, optaddress = {}, optmonth = {}, note = {in preparation}, optannote = {} }
@inproceedings{widell2003unis, author = {Ola Widell and Stig Mämmi}, title = {Results from the intercalibration of low light level sources at Svalbard 2003}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods}, optcrossref = {}, optkey = {}, pages = {121}, year = {2003}, editor = {F. Sigernes and D. Lorentzen}, optvolume = {}, optnumber = {}, optseries = {}, address = {Longyearbyen}, optmonth = {}, organization = {The University Centre on Svalbard}, optpublisher = {Longyearbyen}, optnote = {}, optannote = {}, isbn = {82-481-0006-5} }
@inproceedings{widell2008irf, author = {Ola Widell and Hans Henricson}, title = {Results from the intercalibration of low light level sources at IRF 2006}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 33rd Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods}, optcrossref = {}, optkey = {}, pages = {130}, year = 2008, editor = {I Sandahl and J. Arvelius}, optvolume = {}, number = {292}, series = {IRF Scientific report}, address = {Kiruna}, optmonth = {}, organization = {Swedish Institute of Space Physics}, optpublisher = {}, optnote = {}, optannote = {}, issn = {0284-1703}, isbn = {978-91-977255-1-4}, url = {http://www.irf.se/publications/proc33AM} }
@inproceedings{henricson2008irf, author = {Hans Henricson}, title = {Results from the intercalibration of low light level sources at And{\o}ya 2007}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 33rd Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods}, optcrossref = {}, optkey = {}, pages = {131}, year = 2008, editor = {I Sandahl and J. Arvelius}, optvolume = {}, number = {292}, series = {IRF Scientific report}, address = {Kiruna}, optmonth = {}, organization = {Swedish Institute of Space Physics}, optpublisher = {}, optnote = {}, optannote = {}, issn = {0284-1703}, isbn = {978-91-977255-1-4}, url = {http://www.irf.se/publications/proc33AM} }
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