@unpublished{sergienkofmiupo, author = {Tima Sergienko and Björn Gustavsson and Urban Brändström and Åke Steen}, title = {Study of the auroral ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction with {ALIS}: The recent results}, note = {FMI seminar?}, alis = {sergienkofmiupo}, braendstroem = {sergienkofmiupo}, irf = {sergienkofmiupo}, other = {sergienkofmiupo}, printstatus = {***UNKNOWN***} }
@unpublished{sergienko2005upo, author = {Tima Sergienko and Ingrid Sandahl and Björn Gustavsson and Urban Brändström and Åke Steen}, title = {Auroral arc triggering by powerful {HF} ionospheric heating}, note = {Abstract for EISCAT workshop 2005}, optkey = {}, optmonth = {}, optyear = {}, optannote = {}, abstract = {On November 21, 2003 an ionosphere heating experiment was conducted in Tromsø to investigate the optical effects caused by powerful HF pumping of the ionosphere. During the time interval 18:32 - 18:36 UT, when the heating beam illuminated a region of an upward field-aligned current, sudden appearance of an auroral arc was observed by the ALIS cameras. Strong temporal variations of the intensity of the arc were coincident with the HF pumping modulation period. Analysis of the optical data and the ionospheric parameters measured by the UHF ESCAT radar show that the observed auroral arc was triggered by Alfvén waves exited by modulated HF heating of ionosphere.}, alis = {sergienko2005}, braendstroem = {sergienko2005}, irf = {sergienko2005}, other = {sergienko2005}, printstatus = {Abstract only} }
@unpublished{gustavssonxxxx, author = {Björn Gustavsson and {\AA}ke Steen and Urban Brändström}, title = {Cheap method to absolute calibrate {CCD}-cameras}, note = {draft exists}, alis = {gustavssonxxxx}, braendstroem = {gustavssonxxxx}, irf = {gustavssonxxxx}, other = {gustavssonxxxx}, printstatus = {draft} }
@misc{sandahl2004vrapp, author = {Ingrid Sandahl and Urban Brändström and Thomas Leyser and Asta Pellinen-Wannberg and Timophey Sergienko}, title = {Fine structures of optical emissions from phenomena in the ionosphere investigated using {3D} tomographic spectroradiometry}, howpublished = {Vetenskapsrådet, Ansökan om forskningsbidrag}, year = 2004, alis = {sandahl2001vrapp}, braendstroem = {sandahl2001vrapp}, irf = {sandahl2001vrapp}, other = {sandahl2001vrapp}, note = {IRF Dnr 232-xxxx}, url = {http://www.alis.irf.se/ALIS/?item=info#doc}, pdf = {http://www.alis.irf.se/ALIS/pdf/vr2005.pdf} }
@misc{sergienko2004cospar, author = {T. Sergienko and Björn Gustavsson and Urban Brandstrom and Ingrid Sandahl and Åke Steen}, title = {The optical emissions during the {HF} ionosphere modifications: the {ALIS} results.}, howpublished = {{COSPAR} abstract}, year = 2004, note = {{COSPAR} abstract}, alis = {sergienko2004cospar}, braendstroem = {sergienko2004cospar}, irf = {sergienko2004cospar}, other = {sergienko2004cospar}, printstatus = {printout} }
@misc{braendstroem2003alin, author = {Urban Brändström}, title = {Restarting {ALIS} {F}easibility study}, howpublished = {ALIS internal note}, url = {http://www.alis.irf.se/alis/info/#doc}, pdf = {http://www.alis.irf.se/alis/info/notes1.pdf}, month = {August}, year = 2003, alis = {braendstroem2003alin}, braendstroem = {braendstroem2003alin}, irf = {braendstroem2003alin}, other = {braendstroem2003alin}, printstatus = {copy} }
@misc{braendstroem2003alin:b, author = {Urban Brändström}, title = {Statusrapport för {ALIS} Minnesanteckningar och stöd för projektplanering}, howpublished = {ALIS internal note}, url = {http://www.alis.irf.se/alis/info#doc}, pdf = {http://www.alis.irf.se/alis/info/notes2.pdf}, month = {November}, year = 2003, alis = {braendstroem2003alin:b}, braendstroem = {braendstroem2003alin:b}, irf = {braendstroem2003alin:b}, other = {braendstroem2003alin:b}, printstatus = {copy} }
@misc{braendstroem2003alin:c, author = {Urban Brändström and Ingrid Sandahl}, title = {Project plan for {ALIS} 2004--2006}, howpublished = {ALIS internal note}, url = {http://www.alis.irf.se/alis/info/#doc}, pdf = {http://www.alis.irf.se/alis/info/project_plan.pdf}, month = {November}, year = 2003, alis = {braendstroem2003alin:c}, braendstroem = {braendstroem2003alin:c}, irf = {braendstroem2003alin:c}, other = {braendstroem2003alin:c}, printstatus = {copy} }
@misc{braendstroem2001alin, author = {Urban Brändström}, title = {{ALIS}, a brief technical summary of the current situation}, howpublished = {ALIS internal note}, month = {March}, year = 2001, alis = {braendstroem2001alin}, braendstroem = {braendstroem2001alin}, irf = {braendstroem2001alin}, other = {braendstroem2001alin}, printstatus = {copy} }
@misc{braendstroem2001email, author = {Urban Brändström}, title = {{ALIS} stängt för säsongen}, howpublished = {email to alis\_folk@irf.se 2001-04-11}, month = {April}, year = 2001, note = {(in Swedish)}, alis = {braendstroem2001email}, braendstroem = {braendstroem2001email}, irf = {braendstroem2001email}, other = {braendstroem2001email}, printstatus = {copy} }
@misc{gustavsson2001, author = {Björn Gustavsson and Ingemar Häggström and Mikael Hedin and Urban Brändström and Timophey Sergienko}, title = {Application for {EISCAT} time}, year = 2001, alis = {gustavsson2001}, braendstroem = {gustavsson2001}, irf = {gustavsson2001}, other = {gustavsson2001}, printstatus = {draft} }
@misc{sandahl2001vrapp, author = {Ingrid Sandahl and Hans Nilsson and Timophey Sergienko and Bo Thid{\'e} and Asta Pellinen Wannberg and Urban Brändström}, title = {Study of the fine-structure of the auroral ionosphere/thermosphere by {3D} optical tomographic techniques}, howpublished = {Vetenskapsrådet, Ansökan om forskningsbidrag}, year = 2001, alis = {sandahl2001vrapp}, braendstroem = {sandahl2001vrapp}, irf = {sandahl2001vrapp}, other = {sandahl2001vrapp}, note = {IRF Dnr 232-163/01} }
@misc{braendstroem2000alin, author = {Urban Brändström}, title = {Reduction of {CCD} images from {ALIS}}, note = {(Intended for CCD-course)}, howpublished = {ALIS internal note}, month = {May}, year = 2000, alis = {braendstroem2000alin}, braendstroem = {braendstroem2000alin}, irf = {braendstroem2000alin}, other = {braendstroem2000alin}, printstatus = {copy} }
@misc{braendstroem1999alin, author = {Urban Brändström}, title = {{ALIS}-2000 a feasibility study}, howpublished = {ALIS internal note}, note = {(unpublished)}, month = {May}, year = 1999, alis = {braendstroem1999alin}, braendstroem = {braendstroem1999alin}, irf = {braendstroem1999alin}, other = {braendstroem1999alin}, printstatus = {copy}, pdf = {http://www.alis.irf.se/ALIS/pdf/notes1.pdf} }
@unpublished{braendstroem1999unpub, author = {Urban Brändström and {\AA}ke Steen and Björn Gustavsson and Peter Rydesäter and Takehiko Aso and Masaki Ejiri }, title = {{ALIS} --- a versatile multi-station imaging facility at high latitudes. \textrm{II.} Design principles and technical introduction }, note = {Was converted to braendstroem2003irf (PhD thesis)}, year = 1999, alis = {braendstroem1999unpub}, braendstroem = {braendstroem1999unpub}, irf = {braendstroem1999unpub}, other = {braendstroem1999unpub}, printstatus = {***MISSING***} }
@unpublished{steen1999unpub, author = {{\AA}ke Steen and Urban Brändström and Björn Gustavsson and Peter Rydesäter and Takehiko Aso and Masaki Ejiri }, title = {{ALIS} --- a versatile multi-station imaging facility at high latitudes. \textrm{I.} Scientific rationale and initial results }, note = {(draft manuscript)}, year = 1999, alis = {steen1999unpub}, braendstroem = {steen1999unpub}, irf = {steen1999unpub}, other = {steen1999unpub}, printstatus = {***MISSING***} }
@misc{braendstroem1998alin, author = {Urban Brändström}, title = {Definition of {A}ritmathea, a minimalistic language for controlling {ALIS}}, note = {(unpublished)}, month = {October}, year = 1998, howpublished = {ALIS internal note}, alis = {braendstroem1998alin}, braendstroem = {braendstroem1998alin}, irf = {braendstroem1998alin}, other = {braendstroem1998alin}, printstatus = {draft} }
@misc{alpatov1996poster, author = {Victor V. Alpatov and Urban Brändström and {\AA}ke Steen and Björn Gustavsson}, title = {Fractal Analysis of auroral images from {ALIS}}, howpublished = {(poster presentation)}, note = {{T}he third international substorm conference (ICS3), Paris, France}, year = 1996, alis = {alpatov1996poster}, braendstroem = {alpatov1996poster}, irf = {alpatov1996poster}, other = {alpatov1996poster}, printstatus = {***UNKNOWN***} }
@unpublished{alpatov1996unpub, author = {Victor Alpatov and {\AA}ke Steen and Urban Brändström}, title = {Fractal analysis of the {ALIS} auroral images}, note = {(draft manuscript)}, year = 1996, alis = {alpatov1996unpub}, braendstroem = {alpatov1996unpub}, irf = {alpatov1996unpub}, other = {alpatov1996unpub}, printstatus = {draft} }
@misc{braendstroem1994alin, author = {Urban Brändström and {\AA}ke Steen}, title = {First draft of a preliminary report on the evaluation of the prototype version of the {A}stro{M}ed 4400 quad output {CCD} imaging system}, howpublished = {ALIS internal note}, year = 1994, note = {(unpublished)}, alis = {braendstroem1994alin}, braendstroem = {braendstroem1994alin}, irf = {braendstroem1994alin}, other = {braendstroem1994alin}, printstatus = {draft} }
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