Swedish Institute of Space Physics, IRF, P. O. Box 812,
S-981 28 Kiruna, Sweden
Phone: +46 980 79063;
Fax: +46 980 79050;
E-mail: rickard.lundin@irf.se
1. Education
PhD in Space Physics at the University of Umeå
Docent (Assistant Professor) in Space Physics at the University of
Professor in Experimental Space Plasma Physics at IRF
Professor, Space Physics at IRF and the University of Umeå
2. Employment
1971-74 Teaching
assistant at the department of Physics, University of Umeå.
1974-77 Research
assistant at the Kiruna Geophysical Institute.
Staff scientist Kiruna Geophysical Institute / Swedish Institute of Space
Visiting scientist at NOAA/Space Environment Laboratory in Boulder, Col.,
Visiting scientist at Lockheed Palo Alto Res. Laboratory, in Palo Alto, Cal.,
1984-85 Visiting
scientist at the J H U/Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel MD, USA
Visiting scientist (5 months) at CNRS/CESR, Toulouse, France
1988-94 Assistant
Director of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics.
1994-2003 Director of the Swedish
Institute of Space Physics
2003 - Program leader Solar Terrestrial Physics
3. Relevant Experience
4. Teaching experience
Teacher's degree in Physics and
at the University of Umeå, 1970
Teaching assistant at the Department
of Physics, University of Umeå, 1971-74
Supervision of Ph. D. students. 1989
- present.
Lecturer in Space Physics, Departements
of Physics and Space Physics, University of Umeå, 1990 -
5. Research experience and awards
Author/coauthor of some 220 publications
in the field of Space Plasma Physics in international journals.
Received the Wallmark award in 1983 from
the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for work on the composition of hot
magnetospheric plasmas.
6. Miscellaneous
7. Selected publications
Lundin, R., K. Stasiewicz, and
B. Hultqvist,
On the interpretation of different flow vectors of different ion species
in the magnetospheric boundary layer, J. Geophys. Res.,92, 3214,
Lundin Rickard, On the magnetospheric
boundary layer and solar wind energy transfer into the magnetosphere, Space
Sci. Rev., 48, 263, 1989.
Lundin, R., A., Zakharov, R. Pellinen,
B. Hultqvist, H. Borg, E.M. Dubinin, S. Barabasj, N. Pissarenkon, H. Koskinen,
I. Liede, First results of the ionospheric plasma escape from Mars,
341, 609, 1989.
Lundin R. and L. Eliasson,
Auroral Energization
processes, Annales Geophysicae, 9, 202, 1991.
Lundin, R., J. Woch, M. Yamauchi, and
G. Marklund, Boundary layer polarization and voltage in the 14 MLT region,
J. Geophys. Res.,100, 7587-7587, 1995.
Lundin R., S. Barabash, P. Brandt, L.
Eliasson, C. M. C. Nairn, O. Norberg and I. Sandahl, Ion acceleration processes
in the Hermean and terrestrial magnetospheres, Adv. Space Research,
Vol 19, 1593, 1996.
Lundin R., Observational and theoretical
aspects of processes (other than merging and diffusion) governing plasma
transport across the magnetopause, Space Science Reviews, 80, 269-304,
Lundin R., B. Aparicio, and M. Yamauchi,
On the solar wind flow control of the polar cusp, J. Geophys.
Res.,106, 13023-13055, 2001,
Lundin, R., Auroral Particle Acceleration
Processes: The Legacy of Hannes Alfvén, Physics and Chemistry of
the Earth, 26, 13-23, 2001.
Lundin, R. Erosion by the solar wind,
Science, 291, 1909, 2001.
Lundin R., J.-A. Sauvaud, H. Rème,A. Balogh et al., Evidence
for impulsive solar wind plasma penetration through the dayside magnetopause,
Annales Geophysicae, 21, 457-472, 2003.
Lundin R., and S. Barabash, Evolution of the Martian Atmosphere and
Solar Wind Erosion Studied by ASPERA-3 on Mars Express, invited
paper, Planetary
and Space Science, 52, 1059–1071, 2004.
Lundin, R., S. Barabash, H. Andersson, M. Holmström et al., Solar wind
induced atmospheric erosion at Mars - First results from ASPERA-3 on Mars
Express, Science, Vol 305, 1933, 2004
The Freja Mission, R. Lundin,
G. Haerendel, and S. Grahn (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN
HTML: rickard.lundin@irf.se
Updated 8 February 2005, webmaster@irf.se