Personal details
full name: Prof. Sheila Catherine Kirkwood
address: MRI Atmospheric Research Programme
Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Box 812
S-98128 Kiruna, SWEDEN
telephone: +46 980 79083
fax: +46 980 79050
Education , Employment and Professional Awards
1958-1970 School : Abbeyhill primary, Leith Academy, James Gillespies High, Edinburgh, Scotland,
1970-1974 BSc (hons II) Geophysics, Edinburgh University, Scotland,
1974-1975 assistant lecturer in Physics, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria
1975-1978 PhD in geophysics (seismology) Edinburgh University / Institute of Geological Sciences
1978-1979 part-time parental leave, part-time physics lecturer at Napier technical college, Edinburgh
1980-1981 part-time parental leave, part-time research scientist in geomagnetism),Edinburgh University
1982-1984 research scientist in ionospheric physics , Lancaster University, England
1984-1987 staff scientist at EISCAT radar facility, Tromsö, Norway
1998-pres scientist at Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna
1990 PhD in Space Physics
1991 Reader ('docent') in Space Physics
1995-1998 NFR senior research fellow ('särskildforskare')
1998 Professor in Atmospheric Physics
Major current grants
2000-2005 investment for new lidar system (Swedish research council) 3.5 MSEK
1999-2003 Graduate student grant from Umeå Univ. ca. 1.2 MSEK
2001-2003 project grant for middle atmosphere (Swedish research council) 0.8 MSEK
2002-2004 block grant for atmospheric research (Swedish research council) 1.5 MSEK
2002-2003 ionosonde development (Kempestiftelsen) 0.9 MSEK
Current Appointments
1995- Scientific Discipline representative in SCOSTEP
2000- member of Swedish national committee for IGBP/WCRP
2000- Memeber of Faculty research board, Umeå University
2000- Associate Editor, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys.
2002- Associate Editor, J. Geophys. Res. (Space Physics)