If you have problems to get the ionograms, please change the Java Applet Runtime parameters in the Control Panel:
1. Click on the Java symbol in the Control Panel

2. Click on the flap “Java”. Click on the button “Show” in the Java Applet Runtime part.

3. Fill in the parameters for Java Runtime. Click on “OK”.

Fill in the following: -Xmx200m
(To increase the system memory usage)

4. Restart your browser.

The program

Every pixel is an ionogram! The colours in the picture symbolize the scaled data.
Ionograms from Kiruna (upper part), Lycksele (middle part) and Uppsala (lower part) during 1976 to 1990 are available (some missing).
Available data can be seen if you click on “look at available pictures” under the big picture. Now another picture is shown.

This picture shows what data is available (green) and what is not (red).

To see the ionogram from Kiruna 1984, 12th of December at hour 14:
Move the mouse over the upper part (Kiruna) in the big picture. The date is displayed under the picture.
When correct date is displayed, click and to the right you’ll get a small part of the picture enlarged.

The small picture displays hour 0 to 23 the chosen date, every month during 1 year. Move the mouse and click on chosen date.
The ionogram displays. If an ionogram for the chosen date is not available a cow is displayed.
Now you have the possibility to “step” in the picture file, “stepUp”, “stepDown”.
You also have the possibility to choose some ionograms and get them displayed in a separate window.
Click on “pushOnStack”, change ionogram and click again. Do so until you’ve pushed all the pictures you want.
Then click on “seePushedPict” and a new window with your ionograms is displayed:

In this window, begin to click on “lock”. Now you can separate the ionograms by dragging them in the lower right corner with the left mouse button down.
(If you drag them one over the other you can’t separate them again (This will be corrected in a later version of this program)).
Here you can make the picture smaller “smallPicture”, delete the picture or push it.
By pushing the picture you can pop it up (“pop”) in the same window or another “Collected Pictures window”.
The small boxes (under "lock") can be used for writing in. By clicking once with the left mouse button, the box becomes red and you can write in it.
To move the box, drag it with the left mouse button down.

For ionograms from Uppsala you have the possibility to change the light in the picture by clicking on "setRef" under the ionogram.
You can only do this when the picture is at normal size.
At the moment the button “skriv ut” is not working.

HTML by Maria Winnebäck
Last modified: 03/10/2006 10:58:05