Salomon Eliasson (Dept of Space Science, Luleå University of Technology, Kiruna)
A review talk introducing the sub ject of cloud ice
microphysical retrievals. The talk will give a general
overview on how these properties are retrieved using very
different techniques, made necessary due to differing in-
strument sensitivities. Satellite retrievals are made using
a combination of passive IR & VIS channels, or passive
IR only channels, or passive microwave channels or ac-
tive instruments, depending on the instrument. Some
caveats in the assumptions that are made in the retrievals
are also discussed. This is followed by some recent com-
parison results from dataset comparisons shown and dis-
cussed in the GEWEX meeting in Berlin June 2010.
Created 2010-06-24 09:54:20 by Rick McGregor Last changed 2010-06-30 18:57:32 by Rick McGregor