Hello Seminars


Lecturer: Claude Camy-Peyret, Paris University and CNRS
Date: 2007-03-02 13:00
Place: Aniara

Status of IASI on MetOp and validation/calibration with IASI-balloon

The Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) is now in orbit on MetOp-A (launch on 19 October 2006). Its health and performances are being checked by CNES personnel of the Technical Expertise Centre (TEC) in Toulouse in close loop with Eumetsat operating the satellite.
Informations on the status of IASI will be presented and first spectra or images will be shown. For accompanying the project, CNES is supporting scientific activities in particular the operation of the balloon platform IASI-balloon accomodating a Fourier transform instrument covering the same spectral range as IASI-MetOp, but at a better spectral resolution. Details on the IASI-balloon instrument (under the responsibility of LPMAA) and on the balloon platform (under the responsibility of the CNES balloon division) will be given. Results from recent flights of IASI-ballon will be presented together with information on the operational validation/calibration flight performed very recently (22 February 2007) from Esrange (Kiruna, Sweden).

Claude Camy-Peyret is the director of ?Laboratoire de Physique Moléculaire pour l?Atmosphère et l?Astrophysique? (LPMAA), a CNRS institute located on the campus of Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. He is a specialist of high-resolution molecular spectroscopy and has been involved in experimental and theoretical studies of vibration-rotation spectra of atmospheric molecules for many years.

Created 2007-02-28 11:42:00 by Uwe Raffalski
Last changed 2007-02-28 14:18:19 by Uwe Raffalski