Ultrafast laser diagnostics for spatiotemporal characterization of hydrogen flame propagation
New insight into mechanisms that can help to make rocket propulsion systems or other aerospace vehicles “greener†and more sustainable cannot be simulated or known a priori, it needs to be developed through the rigorous testing and quantification. Ultrafast laser diagnostics has a tremendous potential to provide precise scalar determination (e.g. temperature, density, species concentration) at these harsh measurement environments, where often steep spatial gradients in temperature and species concentration exists and these quantities evolve on a rapid time scale due to the turbulence of the flow. At this seminar, I will present the development of a unique polarization-sensitive coherent imaging spectrometer, synchronized with high peak-power laser pulses which persists on a femtosecond- and picosecond timescale, and show how it has been used to observe, very convincingly, the preferential diffusion of hydrogen for the first time.
Created 2022-08-25 08:10:43 by Uwe Raffalski Last changed 2022-08-25 08:10:43 by Uwe Raffalski