Hello Seminars


Lecturer: Thomas Kuhn, LTU
Date: 2013-09-12 10:30
Place: Aula

Docent lecture: The Secret Life of Small Ice Particles in Tropospheric Clouds

From my PhD on, my research has always involved small particles in the troposphere, the lowest 11 km of our atmosphere, where all weather happens. In the last six years I have especially focused on ice particles. I would like to use my docent lecture to introduce you to these fascinating "creatures" by telling you about their birth, development, and various stages in life. The talk will also explain their role in weather and climate as well as show some of their optical properties that make them so special and create fascinating effects such as halos and coronas.

The lecture will be at a popular scientific level.

Created 2013-06-07 13:41:37 by Uwe Raffalski
Last changed 2013-08-21 13:36:31 by Uwe Raffalski