

Polar Atmospheric Research


No coming Polar Atmospheric Research seminars

PAST Polar Atmospheric Research SEMINARS

  1. 2022-08-25 Alexis Bohlin, LTU, Ultrafast laser diagnostics for spatiotemporal characterization of hydrogen flame propagation
  2. 2019-12-05 Moa Persson (IRF), Hot plasma in the Venusian upper ionosphere - 6 months left of my Ph.D. project
  3. 2019-11-28 Susanne Haggelin, Magnus Lindskog, SMHI, Numerical Weather Prediction at SMHI and use of Aeolus HLOS winds
  4. 2019-11-21 Mikael Granvik, LTU, Understanding the unexpected destruction of near-Earth object
  5. 2019-09-19 Rita Edit Kajtar (LTU), Retrieval of strato-mesospheric horizontal wind profiles in the polar region using the Doppler shift of the 231.3 GHz ozone emission spectral line
  6. 2019-09-05 Hirahara (Nagoya), Some recent results from the ERG observations in the inner magnetosphere and current status of the FACTORS mission for magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling mechanisms
  7. 2019-03-28 Sandra Vázquez Martin (LTU), Ground-based in-situ measurements and shape classification of natural snow crystals and snowflakes in Kiruna
  8. 2019-03-14 Veronika Wolf (LTU), Arctic cirrus clouds over northern Sweden: microphysical properties studied with the Balloon-borne Ice Cloud particle Imager B-ICI
  9. 2019-03-12 Philipp Wittmann (IRF), JDC – First Light
  10. 2018-11-08 Martin Wieser, With BepiColombo to Mercury
  11. 2018-10-16 Dr. Rigel Kivi, Atmospheric measurements at Sodankylä
  12. 2018-10-11 Asta Pellinen-Wannberg , Sista seminariet
  13. 2018-06-15 Dr. Bernd Kaifler (DLR), The PMC-Turbo balloon mission to explore atmosphere dynamics in the mesopause region
  14. 2018-04-20 Joan Stude, DLR, ROMARA -ROcket-borne MAss spectrometer for Research in the Atmosphere
  15. 2017-06-22 Evgenia Belova (IRF), EISCAT Tri-Static Observation of Polar Mesosphere Winter Echoes and what will be better with EISCAT_3D
  16. 2016-12-15 P. Dalin, Studies of lunar and solar tidal periodicities at the summer mesopause by using measurements of Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes
  17. 2016-11-03 Etienne Behar, IRF, Rosetta observations of the birth and growth of a solar wind cavity around a comet
  18. 2016-09-22 Peter Völger (IRF), Waves in Polar Stratospheric Clouds, a case study
  19. 2016-09-01 Sheila Kirkwood (IRF), Extreme Solar Particle Events - are we ready for one?
  20. 2016-05-26 Evgenia Belova (IRF), EISCAT tri-static observation of polar mesosphere winter echoes on 8 January 2014
  21. 2016-05-19 Audrey Schillings (IRF), Ion escape during extreme events - Cluster observations
  22. 2016-03-08 P. Preusse, S. Gisinger, I. Krisch, Forschungszentrum Jülich and DLR, Germany, Gravity wave measurements in the frame of the GW-LCycle project
  23. 2016-02-25 Robin Ramstad (IRF), The Sun-Mars coupling - Implications for atmospheric evolution
  24. 2016-02-04 Björn-Martin Sinnhuber and Hermann Oelhaf, on behalf of the POLSTRACC Team, The Polar Stratosphere in a Changing Climate (POLSTRACC) - Overview and First Results of the Aircraft Campaign -
  25. 2015-12-17 Peter Dalin (IRF), Observations of unusually long wave crests in noctilucent clouds: the upper tropospheric jet stream as a source of atmospheric gravity waves
  26. 2015-12-10 Carl-Fredrik Enell (EISCAT), EISCAT observations of ionospheric effects of space weather events
  27. 2015-10-08 Takayoshi Yamada, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Survey of sprite events with SMILES atmospheric composition observation
  28. 2015-09-24 M. Yamauchi, Nitrogen and Oxygen Budget ExpLoration (NOBEL)
  29. 2015-09-03 Oleg Godin, CIRES and NOAA, Atmospheric waves: recent developments in theory and understanding of their origin
  30. 2015-03-12 M. Kriegel (DLR), Activities of the working group Ionospheric Effects and Corrections
  31. 2015-01-19 Joachim Jansen (Utrecht), Microphysics of Aerodynamic Condensation
  32. 2015-01-15 Tima Sergienko (IRF), Auroral emissions: excitation mechanisms and application for remote sensing. I
  33. 2015-01-08 Robin Ramstad (IRF), The Martian atmospheric ion escape rate dependence on upstream solar conditions - implications for tracing the evolution of the atmosphere on Mars
  34. 2014-12-18 Jesper Lindkvist (IRF), Induced Magnetic Dipole at Callisto: 3-D Hybrid Modeling of Flybys by Galileo
  35. 2014-12-12 Hans Nilsson (IRF), Rosetta - first results from the Ion Composition Analyzer
  36. 2014-12-04 Ronald Scheirer, SMHI, Remote Sensing at SMHI in Norrköping
  37. 2014-11-06 Evgenia Belova (IRF), Blue jets, blue starters and gigantic jets- electrical discharges above the thunderstorm and their observations by ESRAD
  38. 2014-10-23 Peter Dalin, Evidence of the formation of noctilucent clouds due to propagation of an isolated gravity wave caused by a tropospheric source
  39. 2014-10-16 Joan Stude (IRF), Micro Pore Optics, SU-8 Micro-Machining & Graphene foils in Time-Of-Flight instruments
  40. 2014-10-09 Clare Benson, Time and Space, Art and Science
  41. 2014-10-02 M. Yamauchi, Hot He+ events in the inner magnetosphere observed by Cluster
  42. 2014-09-18 Christoph Pilger, BGR Hannover, Germany, Infrasound source detection and detection capability using ARISE and CTBTO infrasound arrays
  43. 2014-09-04 Uwe Raffalski, The Unprecedented Arctic Ozone Hole of 2011
  44. 2014-06-03 Charlotte Nilsson, Universitet Halmstad, Luftutsläpp från järnmalmsproduktion
  45. 2014-05-08 Urban Brändström, On IRF Observatory activities
  46. 2014-04-03 Asta Pellinen-Wannberg, Collective E region ionization caused by the 1767 trail during the 2002 Leonids
  47. 2014-03-27 Ingrid Mann (EISCAT), PMSE Observations with the tri-static EISCAT VHF
  48. 2014-03-20 Carl-Fredrik Enell (EISCAT), Modelling and observation of ion-neutral chemical effects of transient events: Applications of the Sodankylä Ion-neutral Chemistry Model
  49. 2014-03-13 Jesper Lindkvist, Callisto plasma interactions
  50. 2014-03-06 Tima Sergienko (IRF), Optical emissions enhanced by X mode ionosphere HF pumping

Total of 163 past seminars:

Archive of older seminars