Hello Seminars


Solar System Physics and Space Technology


  1. 2024-10-03 10:00 Stas Barabash (IRF), TBD
  2. 2024-10-10 10:00 Umberto Rollero (IRF), TBD
  3. 2024-10-17 10:00 Johan Kero (IRF), TBD
  4. 2024-10-24 10:00 Martin Wieser (IRF), TBD
  5. 2024-11-28 10:00 Manabu Shimoyama (IRF), TBD
  6. 2024-12-05 10:00 Romain Canu-Blot (IRF), TBD
  7. 2024-12-12 10:00 Urban Brändström (IRF), TBD

PAST Solar System Physics and Space Technology SEMINARS

  1. 2024-09-26 Kleomenis Tsiganis, The DART and Hera missions: realizing the first planetary defence experiment
  2. 2024-09-18 Ashik Paul, Low Latitude Ionospheric Irregularity Observations in the Indian Longitudes Over a Wide Frequency Spectrum From VHF to S-Band
  3. 2024-09-17 Yeon Joo Lee, Unveiling Venus, using a Korean-funded LEO CubeSat mission and future Venus missions
  4. 2024-06-20 Gopika Gupta (IRF), Long-term changes in the Global Aerosol Properties: An analysis of the Optical, Physical and Morphological data from multi-sensor measurements
  5. 2024-06-13 Tima Sergienko (IRF), BROR - Barium Release Optical and Radio rocket experiment: an overview of results
  6. 2024-05-30 Daniel Kastinen (IRF), Between the papers: Planning, ECSS, projects, vision, students, productivity, ???
  7. 2024-05-29 Pavel Pisa (CTU), Processors, Operating and Communication Systems for Education and Real Missions
  8. 2024-05-28 Maximilian Wecker (IRF), Commissioning and Characterization of Charge Conversion Particle Sources
  9. 2024-05-23 Robin Ramstad (LASP), State-transitions in atmospheric ion escape from Mars revealed by MAVEN and Mars Express measurements
  10. 2024-05-16 Peter Völger (IRF), Preparations for validation of EarthCARE
  11. 2024-04-25 Stefan Schröder (LTU), Water Ice in Permanently Shadowed Craters on Ceres, or, How Science Works
  12. 2024-04-18 Thomas Maynadié (IRF), Investigating the Structure of Lunar Mini-Magnetospheres using the SARA Instrument Package
  13. 2024-04-11 Anja Möslinger (IRF), 3.5 years of studying low-activity comets: exploring the details of comet - solar wind interaction through observations and modelling
  14. 2024-03-28 Yoshihiro Yokoyama (IRF), Motions of neutral and ionized barium clouds in the low-altitude ionosphere: the BROR experiment
  15. 2024-03-19 Gerd Baumgarten, Dynamics above the Epicentre of Climate Change: Coupling in the atmosphere up to the Edge of Space
  16. 2024-03-18 Mariko Teramoto, Introduction to CubeSat/Rocket projects and space weather research at Kyushu Institute of Technology
  17. 2024-03-07 CAESAR team, The Cold Air Outbreak Experiment in the Sub-Arctic Region (CAESAR): Overview, Weather Patterns, and Instrumentation
  18. 2024-02-29 Richard Johansson (IRF), New ozone retrieval routine used on measurements with KIMRA, and results from winter 2023-2024
  19. 2024-02-15 Sabrina Schnitt (Cologne University), Novel radar observations of Arctic clouds and water vapor
  20. 2024-02-08 Gabriel Borderes Motta (IRF), May a comet dynamically capture and keep meteoroids?
  21. 2024-02-06 Aleena Patel, Can a biologist fix a space probe?: Concept tools and open questions in building an organism
  22. 2024-01-25 Jake Montgomery (SwRI), Solar Wind Interactions at Jupiter’s Magnetopause: A Study of Magnetic Reconnection and Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities
  23. 2024-01-23 Roger Clay, Exploring the Universe with ultra-high energy cosmic rays recorded at the Pierre Auger Observatory
  24. 2024-01-18 Masatoshi Yamauchi (IRF), Auroral Alert ver 1.1: quantifying local BIG auroral activity in all sky camera
  25. 2024-01-12 Bob McCoy, About the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks
  26. 2024-01-11 Peter Dalin (IRF), A novel infrared imager for studies of hydroxyl and oxygen nightglow emissions in the mesopause above northern Scandinavia
  27. 2023-12-21 Gabriella Stenberg Wieser (IRF), Christmas logistics
  28. 2023-12-14 Maria Gritsevich, Meteor phenomena: from atmospheric entry processes to impact craters
  29. 2023-12-07 Sota Nanjo (Tokyo), Propagation and development of a shock aurora toward the late evening sector observed on 26 February 2023
  30. 2023-11-23 Thomas Ulich (EISCAT), Looking Up — A Story of Nordic Observatories and the Challenges Ahead
  31. 2023-11-16 Sebastián Rojas Mata (IRF), Influence of Sounding-Radar Operation on Electron Flux Measurements
  32. 2023-11-15 Juan C. Araújo C. (UmU), Post-processing and visualization of ISR data
  33. 2023-11-09 Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF), IRF's Lunar exploration activities
  34. 2023-10-26 Masatoshi Yamauchi (IRF), Need for common community for solar system plasma
  35. 2023-10-19 Hayley Williamson (IRF), MIPA results from BepiColombo's Mercury flybys
  36. 2023-09-28 Xiao-Dong Wang (IRF), Energy transfer in the solar wind interaction with Martian upper atmosphere: a hybrid view
  37. 2023-09-21 Mats Holmström (IRF), Mars Express and ASPERA-3: Twenty years at Mars
  38. 2023-09-14 Hans Nilsson (IRF), From Greenland to comets
  39. 2023-06-15 Dr. Hisashi Hayakawa, Archival investigations for the greatest magnetic storms in the last 2 centuries
  40. 2023-06-01 Yoshihiro Yokoyama (IRF), Three-dimensional modeling of barium cloud's expansion in the E and F regions: Applying for BROR mission
  41. 2023-05-31 Qi Zhang (IRF), Ion escape from Mars
  42. 2023-05-11 Uwe Raffalski (IRF), Millimeter wave ozone observation over Kiruna
  43. 2023-05-04 Urban Brändström (IRF), From photons to Rayleighs. So why does these auroral optical idiots prefer extremely expensive 1M-pixel black-and-white cameras when my mobile takes more beautiful pictures?
  44. 2023-04-20 Gabriel Borderes Motta (IRF), ALIS 4D AUTO-SSA
  45. 2023-03-23 Romain Canut-Blot (IRF), A statistical journey: proton back-scattering on Comet 67P/C-G
  46. 2023-03-16 Didier Queloz, The Exoplanet Revolution
  47. 2023-03-16 Sota Nanjo (Tokyo), Auroral observations using a wide-angle digital camera mounted on a gimbal
  48. 2023-03-02 Peter Völger (IRF), Statistical analysis of observations of polar stratospheric clouds with a lidar in Kiruna
  49. 2023-02-23 Tsubasa Kotani (Kyoto), Harmonic structure of lower hybrid waves driven by energetic ions at 4000 km altitude: PIC simulation
  50. 2023-02-16 Carol Norberg and Keith Larsson (UmU), Arctic Science at Umeå University
  51. 2023-02-09 Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF), Energetic Neutral Atoms from Mercury
  52. 2023-02-02 Hans Nilsson (IRF), Electric fields at a comet
  53. 2023-01-26 Anja Möslinger (IRF), Ion velocity distributions at a low-activity comet: observations and interpretation
  54. 2023-01-19 Qi Zhang (IRF), The influence of upstream conditions on heavy ion escape at Mars
  55. 2022-12-08 Masatoshi Yamauchi (IRF), Mysterious geomagnetic response to minor solar wind disturbance: Observations
  56. 2022-11-24 Detlef Koschny (ESTEC), Fireball cameras and their relevance for science and Planetary Defence
  57. 2022-11-10 Sebastián Rojas Mata (IRF), Proton Plasma Asymmetries between Venus' Quasi-Perpendicular and Quasi-Parallel Magnetosheaths
  58. 2022-10-27 Stas Barabash (IRF), Why the interstellar probe?
  59. 2022-10-13 Gabriella Stenberg Wieser (IRF), Can wave-particle interaction be important for ion heating and escape at Venus?
  60. 2022-10-06 , Freja 30 Years
  61. 2022-09-29 Chi Zhang (IRF), Return Flows in the Martian Magnetotail
  62. 2022-09-27 Zhen Shi (CAS), An Eastward Current Encircling Mercury
  63. 2022-09-15 Johan Kero (IRF), EISCAT_3D science outlook for small bodies in geospace: 1 - meteor observations
  64. 2022-09-13 J.M. Ledgard, Open discussion and thoughts on science, technology, future, the north, Africa, plasma physics, and aurora
  65. 2022-09-08 Evgenia Belova (IRF), Infrasound as a Probable Cause of Fast-travelling Polar Mesosphere Winter Echoes (PMWE)
  66. 2022-09-01 Martin Wieser (IRF), Energetic neutral atoms emitted from the lunar surface
  67. 2022-06-16 Manabu Shimoyama (IRF), Measurement of neutral particle velocity in earth and planetary upper atmosphere
  68. 2022-06-02 Tima Sergienko (IRF), Ionospheric chemical release experiments at Esrange, past and future
  69. 2022-05-19 Miguel Larsen (Clemson), Gradient Winds and Neutral Flow Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry in the Auroral Oval During Geomagnetically Disturbed Conditions
  70. 2022-05-17 Madelen Bodin and Juan Carlos Araujo-Cabarcas (UmU), Visualisation and creative exploration of atmospheric data - VisA
  71. 2022-05-13 Philipp Wittmann (IRF), The Jovian Plasma Dynamics and Composition Analyzer (JDC) for ESA's JUICE mission
  72. 2022-05-12 Yoshihiro Yokoyama (IRF), Three dimensional modeling of artificial barium clouds dynamics: applying to BROR rocket experiments
  73. 2022-04-28 Hans Nilsson (IRF), Electric fields around a comet
  74. 2022-04-21 Janos Stenszky, LTU, Characterization of cirrus clouds
  75. 2022-04-08 Urban Eriksson (LU), Communication and Meaning-Making in Astrophysics - Challenges and Possibilities
  76. 2022-03-31 Iris Thurnherr, Universitet Bergen, The ISLAS2022 campaign: taking the pulse of the atmospheric water cycle
  77. 2022-03-24 Prof. Susanne Crewell, Universitet Köln, HALO-AC3: An airborne campaign to assess the influence of airmass transport for Arctic Amplification
  78. 2022-03-17 Rickard Lundin (IRF), Cosmic Implications of Ponderomotive Wave Forces
  79. 2022-03-03 Mats Holmström (IRF), Did Mariner IV cross the bow wave of Mars?
  80. 2022-03-02 Peter Völger (IRF), TBD
  81. 2022-02-24 Axel Hagermann (LTU), On solid blocks of ice and rocks. Lab-based space research at LTU
  82. 2022-02-17 Anja Möslinger (IRF), Proton ring distributions at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
  83. 2022-02-10 René Laufer (LTU), On small, smaller and smallest satellites - from toys to tools?
  84. 2022-02-03 Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF), MCP background counts: Instruments at Venus/Mars for heliospheric science
  85. 2022-01-27 Daniel Kastinen (IRF), High altitude meteors detected by the MU radar and first meteor results from the PANSY radar
  86. 2022-01-13 Masatoshi Yamauchi (IRF), Venus Laputa
  87. 2021-12-16 Peter Dalin (IRF), Stratospheric balloon-borne studies of noctilucent clouds
  88. 2021-12-09 Athanasia Toliou (LTU), Dynamics of near-Earth asteroids
  89. 2021-12-02 Andrii Voshchepynets (IRF), Measurements of the ionospheric density and composition using observation of sounder accelerated ions on Mars Express
  90. 2021-11-25 Stein HÃ¥land, University of Bergen, Norway, Heavy Rock and Metal in Space
  91. 2021-11-18 Hayley Williamson (IRF), The development of a cometosheath at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
  92. 2021-11-11 Georgios Tsirvoulis (LTU), The LTU Space Simulator
  93. 2021-10-21 Sebastián Rojas Mata (IRF), Proton Temperature Anisotropies in the Venus Plasma Environment during Solar Minimum and Maximum
  94. 2021-10-14 Etienne Behar (IRF), Simulating the interaction between the solar wind and its obstacles: from a laminar to a turbulent upstream flow
  95. 2021-09-23 Xiao-Dong Wang (IRF), NILS
  96. 2021-06-17 Moa Persson (IRAP), Global coupling between the solar wind and the oxygen ion escape at Venus
  97. 2021-06-17 Hans Nilsson (IRF), Ion escape at Mars and Earth compared
  98. 2021-06-03 Philipp Wittmann (IRF), JDC - From the drawing board to flight hardware - 6 months seminar
  99. 2021-05-27 Sofia Bergman (IRF), Effects of spacecraft charging on low-energy ion measurements - 6-month seminar
  100. 2021-05-20 Peter Völger (IRF), Validation of EarthCARE-ATLID using ground-based lidar in Northern Sweden
  101. 2021-05-06 Angéle Pontoni (IRF), Development and simulated observations of the Jovian Neutral Analyzer for the JUICE mission
  102. 2021-04-29 Uwe Raffalski, Low Ozone VMR Over The Northern Hemisphere In Winter 2019/20 - Effects of a Strong PSC Winter -
  103. 2021-04-15 Mats Holmström (IRF), Estimating Ion Escape from Unmagnetized Planets
  104. 2021-03-25 Evgenia Belova (IRF), Validation of Aeolus winds using ground-based radars in northern Sweden and Antarctica
  105. 2021-03-24 Urban Brändström (IRF), TBD
  106. 2021-03-04 Philipp Wittmann (IRF), Calibration and initial results from JDC PFM
  107. 2021-02-18 Hans Nilsson (IRF), Solar cycle dependence of ion escape at Mars
  108. 2021-02-11 Anja Möslinger and Qi Zhang (IRF), PhD projects about Mars and Comets
  109. 2021-02-04 Sofia Bergman (IRF), Ion bulk speeds and temperatures in the diamagnetic cavity of comet 67P
  110. 2021-01-28 Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF), Solar wind–Phobos surface interaction: Mars Express measurements during Phobos flyby and "fake-flyby" operations without Phobos
  111. 2021-01-21 Johan Kero (IRF), Radar observations of meteors
  112. 2021-01-14 Masatoshi Yamauchi (IRF), High-latitude crochet: puzzling solar flare effect at high-latitude larger than low latitudes
  113. 2020-12-17 Peter Dalin (IRF), What caused the vast occurrences of noctilucent clouds at middle latitudes in 2020?
  114. 2020-12-10 Gabriella Stenberg Wieser (IRF), Game-based learning at PhD-level: why and how
  115. 2020-12-03 Sebastián Rojas Mata (IRF), Research in Electric Propulsion: ett litet smörgåsbord
  116. 2020-11-26 Urban Brändström (IRF), ALIS_4D status
  117. 2020-11-19 Gabriella Stenberg Wieser (IRF), Frusna världar: IRF flyger till Jupiter med rymdfarkosten JUICE
  118. 2020-11-13 Moa Persson (IRF), Escape to Space or Return to Venus: Ion Flows Measured by Venus Express
  119. 2020-11-12 Angéle Pontoni (IRF), Simulation of Energetic Neutral Atoms sputtering from the surface of Ganymede
  120. 2020-11-05 Martin Wieser (IRF), Approaching two years on the lunar surface: A mission update for the Advanced Small Analyzer for Neutrals onboard of the Chang'e 4 lunar rover
  121. 2020-10-22 Hayley Williamson (IRF), Momentum flux and pressure balance at Comet 67P
  122. 2020-10-15 Xiao-Dong Wang (IRF), Solar wind, Cometary Ion and ENA (SCIENA) sensor for the Comet Interceptor Mission
  123. 2020-09-10 Uwe Raffalski (IRF), Unusually Low Ozone due to strong PSC appearance during Winter 2019/20
  124. 2020-03-05 Peter Völger (IRF), Validation of Aeolus wind measurements with groundbased radar observations
  125. 2020-02-27 Andrii Voshchepynets (IRF), Sounder Accelerated Particles at Mars: Observations, Mechanism, and Applications
  126. 2020-02-25 Sofia Bergman (IRF), The effect of spacecraft charging on low-energy ion measurements around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
  127. 2020-02-20 Daniel Kastinen (IRF), The intricacies of an analysis pipeline for meteor measurements by radar
  128. 2020-02-06 Gabriella Stenberg Wieser, What is happening to Betelgeuse - will it become a supernova very soon?
  129. 2020-01-30 Martin Wieser (IRF), One year on the lunar surface
  130. 2020-01-24 Kanika Garg (LTU), Autonomous Navigation System for High Alltitudes Ballons ANSHAB
  131. 2020-01-23 Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF), Chasing water in the Solar System: Exploration of the Moon, Mars, Venus, and the Jupiter system
  132. 2020-01-16 Philipp Wittmann (IRF), Evolution of the pressure in space instruments during their mission on the example of JDC
  133. 2020-01-09 Tikemani Bag (IRF), Modeling N2 1PG auroral emission
  134. 2019-12-12 Peter Dalin (IRF), Stratospheric balloon-borne observations of noctilucent clouds
  135. 2019-11-14 Chris Cully (Calgary), Ground and balloon-based techniques for monitoring energetic electron precipitation
  136. 2019-10-24 M. Yamauchi (IRF), Low-energy plasma-neutral gas interaction in space: a Voyage 2050 White Paper theme
  137. 2019-10-22 Rickard Lundin (IRF), Magnetized Cosmic Plasma Acceleration Processes
  138. 2019-10-17 Hans Nilsson (IRF), Physics of a comet magnetosphere
  139. 2019-10-15 Sennersten and Lindley (CSIRO), Australia space programme and asteroid mining
  140. 2019-10-10 Uwe Raffalski, IRF, Open-path mid-range remote sensing techniques for GHG emission fluxes – A suitable approach to improve up-scaling of spot measurements?
  141. 2019-10-03 Masaki N. Nishino (JAXA), Our current understanding of the lunar plasma environment
  142. 2019-09-26 Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF), Solar wind interaction with Venus upper atmosphere: 
A review of Venus Express/ASPERA-4 findings and future prospect
  143. 2019-09-12 Daniel Kastinen (IRF), The use of test particle distributions in solar system small body dynamics
  144. 2019-08-29 Audrey Shillings (IRF), The fate of O+ ions observed in the plasma mantle - forward tracing code and Cluster observations
  145. 2019-06-20 Sofia Bergman (IRF), Spacecraft charging and its influence on low-energy ion measurements made by Rosetta-ICA
  146. 2019-06-13 Niklas Anthony (LTU), Remote Asteroid Sub-surface Composition Analysis via Laser-ablation and Spectrometry (RASCALS)
  147. 2019-05-23 Xiao-Dong Wang (IRF), Advanced Small Analyzer for Neutrals (ASAN) on Chang'E-4 Rover -- The First Energetic Neutral Atom Experiment on the Lunar Surface
  148. 2019-05-16 Aljona Blöcker (KTH), MHD modeling of the plasma interaction with Io's atmosphere
  149. 2019-05-02 Mats Holmström (IRF), Colliding magnetospheres? Comet Siding Spring flyby of Mars
  150. 2019-04-25 Gabriella Stenberg Wieser (IRF), High time resolution observations of ions around comet 67P
  151. 2019-04-11 Andrii Voshchepynets (IRF), Sounder accelerated particles observed on Mars Express
  152. 2019-04-04 M. Yamauchi (IRF), Terrestrial ion world in space
  153. 2019-02-21 Daniel Kastinen (IRF), Simulation of space debris observations with EISCAT_3D
  154. 2019-02-14 Peter Völger (IRF), ESA's Aeolus satellite: Mission overview and validation plans
  155. 2019-02-07 Tikemani Bag (IRF), Thermospheric Cooling during geomagnetic storm as observed by TIMED-SABER satellite
  156. 2019-01-24 Kei Masunaga (IRF), A flow pattern of accelerated cometary ions inside and outside the diamagnetic cavity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
  157. 2019-01-17 Angele Pontoni (IRF), The Alpbach Summer School: 10 days to design a space mission
  158. 2019-01-10 Olle Norberg (LTU), How Space Agencies Work
  159. 2018-12-20 Peter Dalin (IRF), Stratospheric observations of noctilucent clouds: a new approach in studying large-scale wave dynamics in the middle atmosphere
  160. 2018-12-13 Helmut Lammer (AAS), Measured noble gas and K/U ratios constrain the early evolution of Venus and Earth
  161. 2018-12-10 Moa Persson (IRF), Venus: a super-Earth in our Solar System
  162. 2018-12-06 Charles Lue (IRF), Negative Ions in the Solar System
  163. 2018-11-15 Shahab Fatemi (IRF), Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and their impacts on science!
  164. 2018-10-25 Juha Vierinen (UiT), Radar images of the Moon at 6-meter Wavelength
  165. 2018-10-12 Etienne Behar (IRF), Solar Wind Dynamics within The Atmosphere of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
  166. 2018-10-11 Tom Cravens (KU), Comparison of plasma processes at non-magnetic planets/bodies
  167. 2018-09-20 Evgenia Belova (IRF), Origin of Polar Mesosphere Winter Echoes
  168. 2018-09-13 Willi Exner (TUB), CME Impact onto the Hermean Magnetosphere: Hybrid Simulations compared to MESSENGER data
  169. 2018-09-06 Moa Persson (IRF), H+/O+ escape rate ratio in Venus’ magnetotail and its dependence on the solar cycle
  170. 2018-06-14 Gabriella Stenberg Wieser (IRF), Modelling PEP operations at Jupiter
  171. 2018-06-08 Audrey Schillings (IRF), O+ outflow during geomagnetic storms observed by Cluster satellites
  172. 2018-05-31 Mathias Milz (LTU), Intercomparison of three microwave/infrared high resolution line-by-line radiative transfer codes
  173. 2018-05-24 Mats Holmström (IRF), Mars Express and ASPERA-3 celebrates 15 years at Mars
  174. 2018-05-17 M. Yamauchi (IRF), Mass-loading energy extraction from the solar wind to the planetary system for additional ion escape
  175. 2018-05-03 Steven J. Cooper (Utah), Characterization of Snowfall Properties at Haukeliseter, Norway, through a Combined Radar and In-Situ Microphysical Observation Approach
  176. 2018-04-12 Tima Sergienko (IRF), Enhanced incoherent scatter plasma line in the various auroral forms
  177. 2018-03-22 Angéle Pontoni (IRF), The Jovian Neutrals Analyzer
  178. 2018-03-08 Etienne Behar (IRF), New results on the solar wind dynamics through the atmosphere of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
  179. 2018-03-01 Veronika Wolf (LTU), Shape, size, and concentration of ice particles in Kiruna's cirrus clouds
  180. 2018-02-22 Peter Völger (IRF), Observing cirrus by lidar - some challenges
  181. 2018-02-15 Thomas Kuhn (LTU), In-situ imaging of ice and snow crystals for atmospheric research
  182. 2018-02-12 Dr. Veerle Sterken (Bern), Interstellar dust in the heliosphere
  183. 2018-02-08 Philipp Wittmann (IRF), The Jovian Dynamics and Composition Analyzer
  184. 2018-02-08 Sofia Bergman (IRF), Effects of spacecraft charging on low-energy ion measurements
  185. 2018-02-01 Ola Embréus (Chalmers), Role of large-angle collisions in relativisic-electron dynamics
  186. 2018-01-25 Audrey Shillings (IRF), Magnetic storms and an application on September 4-10, 2017
  187. 2018-01-11 Johan Kero (IRF), Infrasound registrations: the ARISE2 project and recent results
  188. 2017-12-14 Peter Dalin (IRF), On the important role of horizontal transport for studies of noctilucent clouds and polar mesospheric summer echoes
  189. 2017-12-08 Robin Ramstad (IRF), Ion escape from Mars: measurements in the present to understand the past
  190. 2017-11-30 Martin Wieser (IRF), Back to the Moon on Chang'e 4
  191. 2017-11-23 Shimoyama Manabu (IRF), Low-energy ENA imaging of Galilean moons by Jovian Neutrals Analyzer
  192. 2017-11-16 Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF), Comet Siding Spring encounter to Mars. In situ plasma measurement by Mars Express/ASPERA-3
  193. 2017-11-09 X.-D. Wang (IRF), How to characterize an electrostatic analyzer-by simulations and experiments
  194. 2017-10-02 Daniel Martini (Tromsö), The long-term variation of geomagnetic activity and ESA SSA development strategy in geomagnetism
  195. 2017-09-28 Mihaly Horanyi (LASP), The Lunar Dust Experiment onboard the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Mission
  196. 2017-09-04 Yaxue Dong (LASP), Seasonal variability of Martian ion escape
  197. 2017-09-04 Xiaohua Fang (LASP), The large-scale anomaly of the Martian dayside ionosphere over strong crustal magnetic field regions
  198. 2017-08-24 Shahab Fatemi (IRF), Mercury: from magnetosphere to interior
  199. 2017-08-17 Hans Nilsson (IRF), Observations of the ion environment of comet 67P: Recent results and upcoming work
  200. 2017-06-15 Rikard Slapak (LTU), Atmospheric loss and its dependence on geomagnetic activity
  201. 2017-06-08 Hans Huybrighs (MPS), Getting something out of nothing: the search for Europa plume signatures in Galileo particle data
  202. 2017-06-08 Maosheng He, Statistical behaviors of magnetospheric currents determined from observations of space-borne magnetometers
  203. 2017-06-02 Dan Welling (UM), Estimations of dB/dt for extreme storm sudden commencements
  204. 2017-05-18 Audrey Schillings (IRF), A method to compare the ion outflow at magnetized and unmagnetized planets
  205. 2017-05-11 Shahab Fatemi (IRF), Plasma interactions with airless bodies: an excursion throughout the solar system
  206. 2017-05-04 Moa Persson (IRF), Heavy ion flow in the polar upper ionosphere of Venus
  207. 2017-04-27 Assar Westman, EISCAT HQ, Some facts about Svalbard and pictures from Longyearbyen and its surroundings
  208. 2017-04-20 Kei Masunaga (IRF), Reflection of precipitating O+ pickup ions in the Martian magnetosheath observed by MAVEN
  209. 2017-03-23 Gabriella Stenberg Wieser (IRF), ICA high time resolution observations
  210. 2017-03-09 Assar Westman (EISCAT), TBD
  211. 2017-03-02 Diana Rojas-Castillo (IRF), Mass composition of escaping ions at Mars: MEX observations
  212. 2017-02-28 Ray Jayawardhana (York), Characterizing Exoplanets: From Hot Jupiters to Super-Earths
  213. 2017-02-16 G. Branduardi-Raymont and D. Sibeck, SMILE Mission
  214. 2017-02-09 Georgios Nicolaou (IRF), Interaction of plasma particles with carbon and graphene foils
  215. 2017-02-02 J.M. Grebowsky (NASA), Disappearance of the Mars original dense atmosphere: the Mars Atmosphere and Voltatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission measures the loss processes to outer space today
  216. 2017-01-19 Charlotte Götz (Braunschweig), The singing comet and other stories
  217. 2016-12-01 Robin Ramstad (IRF), Effects of the crustal magnetic fields on the Martian ion escape rate
  218. 2016-11-24 X.-D. Wang (IRF), Energetic Neutrals for Space Environment Monitoring: ENSEM project
  219. 2016-09-08 Mats Holmström (IRF), Colliding magnetospheres: Comet Siding Spring flyby of Mars
  220. 2016-06-13 Gabriella Stenberg (IRF), How to make TV: a very personal view
  221. 2016-06-09 Moa Persson (IRF), Venus: From exploration to colonisation
  222. 2016-06-01 Joan Stude (IRF), Advanced Plasma Analyzer for Measurements in the Magnetosphere of Jupiter
  223. 2016-05-31 Jesper Lindkvist (IRF), Plasma Interactions with Icy Bodies in the Solar System
  224. 2016-05-30 Elias Roussos (Max Planck), Saturn's proton radiation belts: a unique magnetospheric structure
  225. 2016-05-12 X.-D. Wang (IRF), Energetic Neutrals for Space Environment Monitoring: a feasibility study
  226. 2016-04-14 Rickard Lundin (IRF), On the abundance of deuterium in celestial objects
  227. 2016-04-14 Marcelo A. Famá, Radiation Effects in Water Ice in the Outer Solar System
  228. 2016-04-14 Herbert Gunell (BIRA-IASB), Adventures of double layers in the upward and downward current regions of the aurora
  229. 2016-04-07 Martin Wieser (IRF), The SWIM-family of miniature ion mass analyzers
  230. 2016-03-10 Moa Persson (IRF), Ionospheric composition, structure and dynamics around Venus
  231. 2016-02-11 Joseph Grebowsky (NASA), MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) Spacecraft Exploration of How Mars Lost its Atmosphere and Water
  232. 2016-02-09 Hermann Opgenoorth (IRF), The Space Weather behind the Arlanda Flightradar failure on 4 Nov 2015 - A series of coincidences
  233. 2016-01-14 Daniel Vech (IRF), On the global polarity reversal of the induced magnetosphere of Venus: a statistical study with implications for unmagnetized bodies
  234. 2015-12-03 Urs Mall (Max-Planck), Abundance measurements of 67P/Churyumov Gerasimenko main volatile species
  235. 2015-11-19 Hans Huybrighs (IRF), Tasting Europa's ocean: the feasibility of in-situ observations of Europa's water vapour plumes
  236. 2015-11-12 Hans Nilsson (IRF), Rosetta Plasma Consortium observations of solar wind interaction with comet 67P
  237. 2015-10-29 Georgios Nicolaou (IRF), Modeling the plasma flow in the inner heliosheath with a spatially varying compression ratio
  238. 2015-10-22 Pär Strand (Chalmers), Modelling of fusion plasmas - understanding and predicting reactor scale perfromance
  239. 2015-09-17 Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF), Theory of data compression and application to space instrumentation
  240. 2015-06-25 Chad Fish (Utah State University), Making Every Gram Count - Big Measurements from Tiny Platforms
  241. 2015-06-17 Diana Rojas-Castillo, Magnetic structures near the terrestrial bow shock
  242. 2015-06-17 Amelia Greig, Pocket Rocket - An electrothermal plasma micro-thruster
  243. 2015-06-16 Hamza Abudayyeh, Centrifugal acceleration at high altitudes above the polar cap: A Monte Carlo study
  244. 2015-06-11 Birgit Ritter (IRF), RATEX - Radiation testing for Jupiter
  245. 2015-05-28 Clare Benson, A Thousand Suns: An Exploration of Light and Seeing
  246. 2015-04-23 Futaana Yoshifumi (IRF), JUICE Charging Analysis Tool - Cold Plasma Environment Model
  247. 2015-04-09 Xiao-Dong Wang (IRF), The dependence of Martian ion escape rate on the solar wind conditions: results from hybrid simulations
  248. 2015-03-26 M. Yamauchi and B. Olsthoorn, Long-term variation of Sun-Earth coupling efficiency: Is coming declining phase the most risky among past 100 years?
  249. 2015-03-19 Berndt Klecker , Energetic Particle Ionic Charge States: A Clue to their Source and Acceleration
  250. 2015-03-05 Johan Kero (IRF), The Chelyabinsk superbolide and IRF meteor observation activities
  251. 2015-02-26 Zhaojin Rong (IRF), The flapping motion of magnetotail current sheet
  252. 2015-02-19 Martin Wieser (IRF), How to calibrate a particle instrument
  253. 2015-02-05 Dr. Rebekka Grellmann (Cologne), Investigating star and planet formation - the need for high angular resolution
  254. 2015-01-29 Charles Lue (IRF), Remote-sensing plasma interactions: IRF's energetic neutral atom sensors
  255. 2015-01-22 Tima Sergienko (IRF), Auroral emissions: excitation mechanisms and application for remote sensing. II
  256. 2014-11-20 Gabriella Stenberg Wieser (IRF), Stardust and Deep Impact - cometary adventures long before Rosetta and Philae
  257. 2014-11-13 Prof. Watanabe (Hokkaido), Fireworks in Space: To understand Ion-Neutral Coupling Process in Thermosphere and Ionosphere
  258. 2014-10-17 Mats Holmström (IRF), Comet Siding Spring flyby of Mars
  259. 2014-09-25 Mats Holmström (IRF), Planetary solar wind charge exchange X-ray emissions
  260. 2014-06-12 David Andrews (IRF), The interaction between the Martian ionosphere and the solar wind, seen with the MARSIS radar onboard MEX
  261. 2014-06-10 Dr. Manabu Shimoyama (Nagoya), Measurement of suprathermal electrons in the ionosphere
  262. 2014-06-05 Charles Lue (IRF), Negative ions in the Solar System
  263. 2014-05-23 Dr. Robert Bedington (JAXA), Top-hat spectrometer developments for a Japanese SCOPE Mission
  264. 2014-05-22 Shahab Fatemi (IRF), Kinetic Modeling of the Solar Wind Plasma Interaction with the Moon
  265. 2014-05-09 Dr. Birgit Ritter (DLR), Radiation Measurements and Dosimetry onboard the International Space Station
  266. 2014-02-20 Hans Huybrighs (Delft), PEP internal charging study: the results (Technical Seminar)
  267. 2014-02-13 Rickard Lundin (IRF), Solar wind driven thermospheric winds over the Venus North Polar region
  268. 2013-12-05 Sushil Atreya (UM), Curiosity Explores Mars
  269. 2013-10-17 M. Yamauchi (IRF), Morphology of inner magnetospheric low-energy ions
  270. 2013-09-26 Charles Lue, Proton observations at the Moon
  271. 2013-09-24 Esa Kallio (FMI), Hybrid modelling of the solar wind interaction with various Solar System objects, especially with Venus and the Moon
  272. 2013-09-19 Martin Wieser , The MIPA geometric factor or how to slice a potato
  273. 2013-05-03 Robert Bedington (JAXA), PoleCATS: A highly miniaturised electron analyser for a student sounding rocket mission
  274. 2013-05-02 M. Yamauchi (IRF), The Nitrogen Mystery: Why do we need to understand N+ and N2+ behaviors?
  275. 2013-04-26 Rikard Slapak (IRF), O+ Heating, Outflow and Escape in the High Altitude Cusp and Mantle
  276. 2013-04-25 Prof. Bengt Gustafsson (UU), The origin and early evolution of the Sun
  277. 2013-04-25 Andrew Yau (Calgary), The role of thermal ion outflows in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
  278. 2013-04-18 Glyn Collinson (NASA), My Voyage on the Venus Express: Instrument and Planetary Science
  279. 2013-03-25 Michael Collier (NASA), Lunar surface potential changes associated with traversals of the terrestrial bow shock
  280. 2013-02-14 Dr. Shinsuke Abe (NCU), Earth Impactors - Meteors and their parent bodies
  281. 2013-01-24 Björn Gustavsson (EISCAT), Small-scale aurora - what we can learn from optical and radar measurements
  282. 2013-01-17 Prof. Wu Ji, Space Science Programs in China
  283. 2012-12-14 Catherine Dieval (IRF Kiruna), Solar wind ions inside the induced magnetosphere of Mars (PhD defence)
  284. 2012-11-29 Asta Pellinen-Wannberg and Gabriella Stenberg, About the Swedish Physical Society (Svenska Fysikersamfundet)
  285. 2012-11-15 Karin Nilsdotter, Spaceport Sweden - developing commercial human spaceflight and establishing a platform for cross-industry innovation and collaboration between science, academia and tourism
  286. 2012-11-01 Shahab Fatemi (IRF), The Lunar Wake Current Systems
  287. 2012-10-19 Shin-Ichi Yokobori (Tokyo), Microbes at high altitude and the quest of microbes in space
  288. 2012-10-19 Kensei Kobayashi (Yokohama), Formation of complex amino acid precursors from planetary atmospheres and interstellar media by cosmic radiation
  289. 2012-10-11 Takuya Hara (Nagoya), Effects of the solar wind electric field on heavy-ion precipitations onto the Martian upper atmosphere
  290. 2012-09-20 Kanako Seki (Nagoya), On roles of the K-H instability and double lobe reconnection in the CDPS formation in Earth’s magnetosphere: PSD observations and PIC simulation
  291. 2012-09-13 Naoki Terada (Tohoku), Modeling solar wind interaction with Venus and Mars: Ionospheric flow pattern, tail field structure, and time variation of ionosphere-exosphere coupling
  292. 2012-09-05 Ivana Richterova (Prague), Laboratory studies of cosmic dust charging
  293. 2012-06-21 H. Lammer (AAS), Origin and evolution of terrestrial planetary atmospheres
  294. 2012-06-19 K.G. Kislyakova (AAS), Characterizing exoplanet upper atmosphere-plasma environments by observations and modelling techniques
  295. 2012-06-05 Hannah Vickers (Tromsö), Determination of neutral density in the upper thermosphere using the EISCAT Svalbard Radar
  296. 2012-05-31 Dr. Gabriella Stenberg , The Venus Transit on June 6, 2012
  297. 2012-05-15 M. Greffen (Calgary), Construction of the Canadian Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radar (RISR-C)
  298. 2012-05-10 George K. Parks (SSL), Acceleration and Precipitation of Relativistic Electrons
  299. 2012-02-23 Asta Pellinen-Wannberg (IRF/UmU), Meteorite Expeditions
  300. 2012-02-21 Mikael Ingemyr (UU), On the exoplanet WASP-12b - From high school research project to scientific publication
  301. 2012-02-09 Toru Tanimori (Kyoto), Imaging Observation of MeV-Gamma-Rays from relativistic electron precipitation using an Electron Tracking Compton Camera with Balloon Borne Experiment around the Northern Polar Cap
  302. 2012-01-26 Herbert Gunell (BIRA-IASB), Plasma penetration of the dayside magnetopause
  303. 2011-12-20 Bengt E. Eliasson (Bochum), Full-scale simulations of ionospheric turbulence
  304. 2011-12-19 Shahab Fatemi (IRF), Modeling the Lunar Plasma Wake
  305. 2011-12-06 Terese Nordström (IRF/KTH), Statistical ion distribution functions from the IMA sensor on Venus Express
  306. 2011-12-02 Catherine Dieval (IRF), The solar wind protons inside the induced magnetosphere of Mars
  307. 2011-12-01 Maria Hamrin (UmU), Plasma sheet energy conversion and energy transfer - Cluster observations
  308. 2011-11-24 M. Yamauchi (IRF), Movements of radioactive materials that is released by the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
  309. 2011-11-17 Y. Ebihara (Kyoto), Rapid decay of storm-time ring current
  310. 2011-10-13 Dr Xiao-Dong Wang (IRF), Fine features in lunar ion energy spectrum observed by Chang'E-1/SWIDs
  311. 2011-08-18 Esa Turunen (EISCAT), Enhanced mesospheric NO detected by the EISCAT Svalbard radar during the continuous 1-year IPY experiment
  312. 2011-06-10 Mats André (IRF), Cold plasma: a previously hidden solar system particle population
  313. 2011-05-26 Asta Pellinen-Wannberg (IRF), The Radio Physics of Meteors: High Resolution Radar Methods Offering New Insights
  314. 2011-05-24 Dr Qian Wu (NCAR), HIWIND Balloon and EISCAT
  315. 2011-05-12 Y. Futaana and K. Masunaga, Earthquake and Tsunami
  316. 2011-03-17 Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF), The Lunar Plasma Wake
  317. 2011-03-10 Martin Wieser (IRF), PRIMA
  318. 2011-02-24 Prof. Valery Shematovich (INASAN), Monte Carlo modeling of the protons and hydrogen atoms transport in the Martian upper atmosphere with induced magnetic field
  319. 2011-02-03 Dr. Frank Lind (MIT), Remote Sensing of the Geospace Environment Using Software Radar Arrays
  320. 2011-01-27 Martin Waara (IRF), Oxygen ion energization observed at high altitudes
  321. 2011-01-20 Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF), Planetary surface and upper atmosphere investigations using plasma and ENA sensors
  322. 2011-01-13 Gabriella Stenberg (IRF), The Helium balance in the Martian atmosphere
  323. 2010-12-16 Yasir Soobiah (IRF), A search for auroral-type ion beams in the Martian topside ionosphere
  324. 2010-12-02 Catherine Dieval (IRF), A case study of proton precipitation at Mars: Mars Express observations and hybrid simulations
  325. 2010-10-21 Prof. Valery Shematovich (INASAN), Suprathermal atoms in the planetary atmospheres
  326. 2010-10-19 Prof. Dmitriy Bisikalo (INASAN), A Monte Carlo model of auroral hydrogen emission line profiles
  327. 2010-09-29 Ingrid Mann (BIRA), Nano Dust in the Solar Wind
  328. 2010-09-23 Hans Nilsson (IRF), Does a magnetic field protect an atmosphere from the solar wind?
  329. 2010-09-09 Mats Holmström (IRF), Modeling the Interaction Between the Moon and the Solar Wind
  330. 2010-06-03 Prof. Imad Barghouthi, The effect of wave-particle interactions on ion outflows at high-altitudes and high-latitudes: The Barghouthi model
  331. 2010-05-17 Prof. Toru Tanimori (Kyoto), Observation of Celestial and Atmospheric MeV-Gamma-Rays using a Wide Field of View Electron Tracking Compton Camera with Balloon Borne Experiment
  332. 2010-04-29 Jie Chen (IRF), Solar large-scale coronal loops and related active regions
  333. 2010-04-22 Martin Wieser (IRF), The Eyjafjallajökull Eruption
  334. 2010-04-08 Mats Andre (IRF), Cold plasma and magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause
  335. 2010-03-25 M. Yamauchi (IRF), Foreshock and Planetary Size: a Venus-Mars comparison
  336. 2010-02-16 Juha Vierinen (Sodankylä), Observations of the Iridium-Cosmos satellite collision
  337. 2010-02-09 Dr. Thomas Ulich (Sodankylä), SLICE ? A Meteor Radar in Sodankylä
  338. 2010-02-04 Martin Wieser (IRF), Energetic neutral atoms from the Moon
  339. 2010-01-11 Gillian Butcher, Space Research at the University of Leicester UK
  340. 2009-12-03 Asta Pellinen-Wannberg (IRF/UmU), How the VR election system works
  341. 2009-11-26 Prof. Biagio Forte, Plasma density structures for ionospheric radio wave scintillations
  342. 2009-11-12 Prof. Hermann Opgenoorth (IRF-U), Ionospheric conductivities in ionospheres of planets and planet-like bodies with induced magnetospheres
  343. 2009-11-05 Joan Stude (IRF), Design and implementation of front-end electronics for an ion beam profiling system
  344. 2009-10-26 Remi Pospieszynski (IRF), Different operating modes of the Ion Composition Analyser
  345. 2009-09-24 Gabriella Stenberg (IRF), Magnetospheric boundary layers as seen by the Cluster spacecraft
  346. 2009-09-10 Rickard Lundin (IRF), The variability, morphology and composition of Martian ionospheric plasma escape
  347. 2009-09-10 Hector Perez-de-Tejada (UNAM, Mexico), Boundary layer in the Venus ionosheath: evidence from the Venus Express plasma data
  348. 2009-06-02 Leonid Gurvits (Dwingeloo), Space science frontier of radio astronomy
  349. 2009-05-19 Yasuhito Narita (Braunschweig), Turbulence in astrophysics
  350. 2009-04-23 Rikard Gebart (LTU/ETC), Turning a pulp mill into a biorefinery - a possible outcome from the 2nd black liquor gasification program
  351. 2009-03-19 Dr Ruth Bamford (RAL), The Physics behind the Mini-Magnetospheric Shield for spacecraft protection
  352. 2009-01-21 Ken Libbrecht (Caltech), The Beauty of Snowflakes
  353. 2008-12-04 Sachiko Arvelius (IRF), Statistical budgets of oxygen (O+) and hydrogen (H+) between Earth and the space: Implications in terms of magnetospheric physics and planetary chemical evolution
  354. 2008-11-13 Asta Pellinen-Wannberg (IRF/UmU), New challenges for meteor studies
  355. 2008-10-02 Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF), ENA Occultation: New remote sensing technique to study the lunar exosphere
  356. 2008-09-26 Andreas Ekenbäck (IRF), Numerical modelling of ENAs from stellar wind interactions
  357. 2008-09-25 Prof. Sandra C. Chapman (Warwick, UK), Observing nature's turbulence laboratory - the solar wind
  358. 2008-09-23 Alla Belova (IRF), Studies of planetary waves in ozone and temperature fields as observed by the Odin satellite in 2002-2007
  359. 2008-09-18 Urban Brändström (IRF), First results and future possibilities for groundbased optical research using the new emCCD imager
  360. 2008-09-04 Hans Nilsson (IRF), Oxygen ion outflow at Earth: the role of Centrifugal acceleration
  361. 2008-08-28 Hans Weber (IRV), Phase transitions and Monte Carlo simulations
  362. 2008-08-26 Dr Barbara J. Brooks (Leeds), The Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study campaign in Kiruna
  363. 2008-08-20 René Bleisch, Comparison of BUV Version 8 total ozone with groundbased Data
  364. 2008-06-19 E.Viirre (UCSD) , Influences of Gravity on the Brain
  365. 2008-06-12 M.Yamauchi (IRF), Equatorial ion signatures of evening auroral bulge and polar arcs at 4 RE
  366. 2008-06-03 Dr. Isaac Moradi (U. of Tehran), Mapping global solar radiation over Iran through Meteosat images
  367. 2008-05-07 Prof. Abraham C.-L. Chian (INPE), Order and chaos in the plasma universe
  368. 2008-05-06 Csilla Szasz, Radio meteors above the Arctic Circle: radiants, orbits and estimated magnitudes
  369. 2008-04-25 Johan Kero, High-resolution meteor exploration with tristatic radar methods
  370. 2008-04-22 Prof. S. Nakasuka (Tokyo), Nano-Satellite Development in University of Tokyo and Its Applications to Space Sciences
  371. 2008-04-10 Peter Rosén (CIRC), Climate?s impact on the Arctic environment
  372. 2008-03-27 Mattias Ekström (Chalmers), Satellite measurements of upper tropospheric water
  373. 2008-03-13 L. Costantino, Determination of the Ionospheric Delay on L band signals, from GPS data
  374. 2008-03-12 Rickard Lundin (IRF), Attractive and repulsive ponderomotive forces in space- and astrophysical plasmas
  375. 2008-03-11 Bo Thide' (IRF), New methods based on fundamental physics for studies of space
  376. 2008-03-07 Steve Cooper (CSU), Implications of Atmosphere and Cloud State Uncertainties for the Global Retrieval of Ice Cloud Microphysical Properties
  377. 2008-02-12 Prof. Gerald Gabrielse (Harvard), Home-made Atoms and Cold Antihydrogen
  378. 2008-02-07 Dr. NAKANO, Shin'ya (ISM, Tokyo), ENA data assimilation for modeling the ring current in the Earth's magnetosphere
  379. 2008-01-30 Ella Carlsson (IRF), Mars: Plasma Environment and Surface Hydrology
  380. 2008-01-24 Dr Mark E Dieckmann (LiU), Relativistically colliding plasma
  381. 2008-01-10 Jonas Ekeberg (IRF), Magnetohydrodynamic electron inertial waves
  382. 2007-11-29 Chris Ackerley (U. of Otago), Samuel Beckett and Science
  383. 2007-11-22 Christer Jurén (IRF-K),
  384. 2007-11-15 Ingrid Sandahl (IRF), Auroral Observations from Space Shuttle Discovery
  385. 2007-11-08 Asta Pellinen-Wannberg (IRF-Kiruna och Umeå universitet), Små stjärnor som faller
  386. 2007-10-25 Bengt Hultqvist (IRF), On the Importance of Auroral Processes in the Universe
  387. 2007-10-11 Dr. Yusuke Ebihara (Nagoya), Coupled Inner-Magnetosphere and Ionosphere System
  388. 2007-10-04 Mats Holmström (IRF), Energetic Neutral Atoms Around Extrasolar Planets
  389. 2007-09-27 Brian J. Anderson (APL), The MESSENGER Mission to Mercury: Venus Flyby observations and Status
  390. 2007-09-21 Alexander Grigoriev (IRF), The Neutral Particle Detector on the Mars and Venus Express missions
  391. 2007-09-10 Thomas Ott (SSC), MEMOS - Mars Environment Monitoring Satellite
  392. 2007-09-06 Y. Futaana (IRF), Geo-effective solar flare events in December 2006 recorded close to Venus and Mars
  393. 2007-09-04 Irina Golovchanskaya (PGI), Small scale variations of electric and magnetic fields at high latitudes and associated optical manifestations
  394. 2007-08-31 Per-Jonas Blind, The old trees in lake Arbojaure
  395. 2007-08-31 H. Svensmark (DNSC), Cosmic Rays, Clouds, and Climate
  396. 2007-08-16 Pontus C. Brandt (APL), The coupling between the inner magnetosphere and the sub-auroral ionosphere
  397. 2007-05-25 Prof. Moshe Guelman (Technion), Solar Electric Propulsion for Low Earth Orbit Transfer
  398. 2007-05-24 Carl-Fredrik Enell (SGO), Transient luminous events in the middle atmosphere: Observations and modelling
  399. 2007-05-15 Jörgen Vedin (Dept. of Physics, Umeå University), Numerical modeling of auroral processes
  400. 2007-05-03 Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF), Solar zenith angle dependence of the solar wind ENA and proton precipitations into the Martian exosphere

Total of 438 past seminars:

Archive of older seminars