MST-radar data

Access our database!

The data plots are provided here primarily for the purpose of choosing interesting time intervals for cooperative study. They are not intended to be published or further distributed.
Please contact us if you want to work with our data, and explain what you want to do. We can provide the data in digital form for further analysis or comparison with other data or we can provide better quality plots (postscript). In some cases we may have more detailed data available. Even if you would just like to illustrate a lecture, we would prefer to send you a better plot than a screen dump ! contact

Data available from 11 july 1996 until 2015
Choose location, day, month and year. When you are ready, press OK.

Height:all (available from 970509) mesosphere/stratosphere stratosphere/troposphere


Last updated by Ashkan Ekhtiari . 11 Nov 2013