Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometer
The instrument is located under one of the domes of the
IRF Kiruna optical laboratory
As a collaboration of the IRF Kiruna and the
University of Heidelberg the UV-visible
DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometer) has been operated
almost continuously since December 1996. Column amounts of ozone,
NO2, BrO, OClO, H2O, and O4 are measured.
- Contact at IRF:
- Uwe Raffalski, uwe.raffalski*irf.se
- Contact at
University of Heidelberg:
- Barbara Dix, barbara.dix*iup.uni-heidelberg.de and
- Thomas Wagner, thomas.wagner*iup.uni-heidelberg.de
Carl-Fredrik Enell, carl-fredrik.enell*sgo.fi
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Latest update: Webmaster*irf.se, 2011-07-25.